
I don’t think there’s anything that my parents, siblings, or children can do for me to stop loving them. With my parents and siblings, I’ve only known love. I don’t think I could stop. But I wouldn’t ever speak to them again. Love from afar I guess.

Oz was like, my dream guy when I was younger. OKOK he’s still my dream guy but just like, minus the werewolf stuff.

oh my god, my incredible crush on Seth Green just came raging back. ohhhmygod.

Forget the nips, look at these tips! Um, hello, it’s not called a ROMAN manicure...

I blame Pompeii

The more information that is flooding in, the more it seems that this is less like an Al Qaeda or ISIS attack more akin to the Boston Bombing. Two people who had a grudge, wanted attention, wanted to be seen as hot shot big bads and did so through violence. (And, yes, the two Boston Bombers tried to do the whole, “We

Cannot comprehend what sort of motive makes you leave your infant daughter with her grandmother and then saddle her with the legacy of your heinous acts.


I don’t think you’re crazy. I get that people find it insufferable and I understand why. But I think they were just trying to give a name to a process they wanted to make as respectful as possible, especially because of the kids involved. I like it.

Oh man, I remember a lot of these ads. And I actually went to A Flock Of Seagulls gig in the early 80s. Fuck I’m old. I have no nostalgia for the 80s except for The Smiths, The Jesus And Mary Chain, Spacemen 3 and New Order. The 80s were awful. Thatcher and Reagan, beurk.

The librarian said it was a normal sized home use crock pot, so yeah, a gallon or so of volume. She didn’t assemble it on site, apparently she did it some place else and then carried the whole thing into the library.


Its the “belief in a just world” bias, a.k.a. the belief that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people, as if humans can be divided so easily and conveniently into just those two categories. It makes me wonder about the many, MANY people who think that way and consider themselves “good

It’s not like they even believe him- he confessed!

“Paden’s adult son, Anthony, has also been charged with sodomizing the victim. His case is currently pending.”

It’s hard to fathom, isn’t it? They trust a man who has confessed to something horrible more than a girl who revealed he had done something horrible to her. Something something keeping up appearances.

How many people even today still believe Cosby is innocent? The awful power of disbelief is particularly visible when a beloved figure is revealed to be a monster.

My huge and reasonable issue is that domestic violence is treated as less of a crime than the same behavior directed toward a stranger or non-household/non-family member. It should be the same.