
I found it severely uncomfortable, but maybe that's because I'm a prude and consider a kiss to be something intimate and special (unless you are wasted...then it's just what you do because you're horny and don't quite know what you're doing).

Am I the only one who wasn't totally charmed by this? Like without the cutesy music the conversations are completely awkward and SO. MANY. went straight for the tongue

Whoa, Jez, maybe in that update, you should mention she's alive safe and sound! "Found" and "no foul play" are definitely words people use to talk about dead bodies.

I'm always wary of this happening when I go on any date (regardless of whether we meet offline or online), so much so that I leave a post-it with some identifying information about the person I'm seeing hidden in one of the books in my apartment. My brother and best friend know to look for it if I happen to go missing

i don't know why, but I think I identify with the German sense of humor more than I'd like. Looking at their music from the 90s and such (as well as disco), I love it so much because it just is amazingly German and great. I don't even know how to describe it!

Did the panda show up in your house after you posted this?

IT called symbiont.

I am pretty sure that demons have zero regard for personal property, since they take up residence in your most personal of property: YOU.

Im feeling out of the loop for never having heard of Tinder before now, but regardless, it is not okay to post a picture of your students on any social media including Facebook.

Child abuse? Ok. I get that. But indecent exposure? No. Yes, I get that it's contextual and that the girl was probably traumatized, but I think it sets a dangerous precedent. By this standard, any parent that lets her young daughter run around topless in front of other children is also guilty of indecent

Hopefully their new look will be more Edgar Rice Burroughs cover and less Johnny Cash/June Carter impersonation.

Now playing

Reminds me of the 1 Minute Makeup Tutorial... Hey Beauties!

In my experience the people who can't write decent female characters (or, like Alderman, cannot comprehend that there's no formula to writing a "strong woman") also tend to start pre-constrained by ideas of What Women Are Like. This might be because I know a lot of screenwriters who take a really paint-by-numbers

Writers who say they can't write from the point of view of a woman or any character unlike themselves are just bad writers. If saying "I have no experience being xyz" was a cop out for writing about a topic, then we would have hardly any books about people in space (there are only so many astronauts!) or pirates or

For Asian-Americans, there are a lot of political and cultural dynamics that are separate and apart from skin color. For example, Japan invaded China some decades ago and accordingly Chinese people of a certain generation can express views towards Japanese people that I would describe as most similar to how Holocaust

oops cont..

You don't see white women compete w/ each other over skin colour bc they already have the 'ideal' (as per society's standard) skin, so they compete over other 'white ideals', like who has the bluest eyes, who has the blonder hair, and so on. When I was in college, I had a friend who would throw shade at other blondes

This. And it's telling that none of the replies understand what you mean by 'using facebook properly'. This does not mean you ignore friend requests or unfriend people. You allow everyone to friend you, and then 1) hide the feeds of boring people, and 2) create lists to share your interesting news or R rated stuff

Friend them, then hide them. Easy.

I conquer. At the ripe age of 31 I don't give a shit what the teens like. They have terrible taste.