
my siblings went to school with a bunch of the kids who had grown up in otto mühl's commune and even years after mühl had been imprisoned and the commune disbanded, a lot of those families still lived where the commune used to be, not far from vienna. i think some of them missed it.

I saw this here in Germany about a month ago and thought it was an extremely well-made, thought provoking film. I didn't know at all what the film was about going into it (I was invited by friends), and it did a great job of first making the hippy commune idealism seem charming and appealing before it slowly became

Isn't fascinating how commune members seeking to free themselves from the authoritarianism of nuclear families would so easily submit to the authority of the commune leader? I get the rejection of tradition but not the instant replacement of it with a new, rigid system of control.

Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph. How do you even achieve anything in the PR field being so oblivious and objectively BAD at your job? My god.

It's funny cause you can actually believe it would happen. And it's tragic because you can believe it would happen. If anybody disagrees with me, I just saw a magazine with the headline, "Who Will Die First"

When I worked at a store where we tailored men's suits, I would often pull a toddler's (or older) hand out of the box of pins used to mark the suits. I had more than one parent snatch their child away and give me the evil eye. I'm trying to keep your child from putting dozens of tiny holes in his arm and screaming.

"How dare you tell my little bottle of sunshine to not spray himself in the face! I will sue you!"

Beauty supply store.

How is it that this dude looks like age-progressed George Zimmerman? Is this GZ from the future?

Other things the public is clamoring to know:

"Tension" is how you describe the married couple at the party who aren't speaking to each other. "Traumatized" would be more appropriate.

I really don't know what I was expecting. Not.. that.

I've never met an addict that let being broke keep them from getting high. Keep them from eating, maybe. But never keep them from getting high.

You know who else compared Obamacare to Apartheid?

So can we put Santorum in jail for a decade or so now? Since he is fighting Obamacare like Mandela fought apartheid? Please?

Maci was also a spoilt brat who had a beyond amazing support system to help her endlessly with her first (the baby's father had the same, so double support for her). Not to say having a child at 16 is "easy", but those around her made it as easy as possible for her. I think a girl like her tends to think she can "do

I'm going to say something that is terrible and should never be said, but I'm in my 13th month of dealing with infertility, coming fresh off a miscarriage last month, and I am just in NO MOOD.

"Jenelle must've gone about year without weed before anyway, seeing as how she was pregnant, right? Right?"