
That’s great :D Mine is just 18 months but we try to teach her to clean up after herself. Your story gives me hope that it’ll work one day :D

Holy SHIT! I have a toddler myself, and she can be a pain in the ass sometimes, and I still go to restaurants and try to be as civil as possible, so I am a little sensitive when it comes to people going on about parents bringing their kids to restaurants. having said that: holy SHIT what kind of mother was this? What

I generally expect so little of people that I am honestly impressed... but I totally get your point.

tough love! I turned out ok though, I think...

I didn’t even get to believe in the tooth fairy, let alone any money!!

Nooooooo, I am not. I am raising you one Tom Hardy crush... Sorry Sorry Sorry! Yeah, could totally be misunderstood....

This is all I have to say...

Argghhhhh! Caramel lady, and the one with the straws, and the table family with the condos, the french fries teen and the double dip mom - how can this??? How does this work? How can they be that way? HOWWWW???? Are these Hitler’s lost grandchildren? I could NEVER control myself, NEVER! NEVER EVER! I think this was

this reminds me of how a classmate once described one of our teachers: he is too lazy to be mean!

flip flops are uncomfortable as hell and an actual sign of the apocalypse, no matter what genitalia you tuck away in your underwear!


Ok so... Tom Hardy. That’s basically all I came here to say.

sex with Scarlett Johansson

In Afghanistan, they do. There have been lynchings of men and women alike. This is not to say that women don’t have it way worse in Afghanistan, just that in the lynching department, they are very eager both ways...

No, she outed him for using false charms and selling them to people. He was a scammer, she uncovered that, he then shut her up. I bet he would’ve done the same if the person who outed her was a man.

Not in Afghanistan.

Afghans don’t consider themselves civil. We are actually very proud of being a savage bunch of warriors (yeah, I know...)

No, it’s not always that. Farkhunda acutally uncovered the local Imam scamming (muslim) people. He stopped her from outing him (by having her beat up and killed). He then claimed it was done because she burned the Quran.

Nah, this is not about the Quran. She actually uncovered that the local Imam scammed people out of money. He then had her beaten up and to cover his tracks, he said that she burned the Quran. All those things usually have a different story to it. Muslims are not stupid. We don’t just kill because someone insults a

Oh, sorry, I misread. I must’ve read “there’s no way a 14 week old fetus could survive” as “there is no way a 20 week old fetus could survive”. Don’t know how I did that... But yeah, you are totally right: a 14 week old fetus could not survive, at least not in our day and age. And probably never. Sorry, misread :).