
She meant to say that she didn’t plan four children, just one. And then the other three happened, as is not unusal with IVF. But still, I don’t get that woman...

Actually, I know of a woman who had her baby at 21 weeks (almost 22) and she survived. She knows a woman who had her baby at 23 weeks and the boy is alive, but not well. Her daughter however - you wouldn’t know that she was born so, so young. But she had to stay in hospital for a very long time, and the only reminder

Yeah, she never could have gotten the IVF in Germany, we are very strict about this here. She had to go to Ukraine.

Thank you! I believe you, totally do, and I am one of those people who “wasn’t sure” with the mattress. But since I “wasn’t sure” I started reading more about it, to become sure. And now I am. Don’t let yourself be bullied into anything, your text here was great, I hope a lot of people read it!

I am a new mom myself and I know how hard it is, even under good circumstances! But honestly, they way you write about your struggles - you don’t sound like the mother described by Matt! Doing a rather “shitty” job as a parent, because it is still the best you can do, is one thing. Making your children feel guilty

Oh shit... all the best wishes for you! But people sometimes are just awful with words... I am guilty myself. Talked with a friend of mine who is adopted. He said he didn’t want to meet his birth mom, because she was a piece of shit (that’s what he knows through the official paperwork) and he didn’t even want to meet

I have a good mom but I still totally get it! I am a new mom myself, and sometimes I allow myself to think what would happen to my little baby if I started a “war” with her, like assert that I am the powerful, and she is not. And then I think about how I could manipulate her, how I could make her feel bad about

Your word is perfect!!! Thank you for that!

Maybe I didn’t phrase that correctly. It’s forbidden in Islam to draw the prophet, or any human being for that matter. It’s also forbidden to mock the prophet, but that goes for muslims. If you are a devout muslim, you are not allowed to do these things. Madame Geller, however, is not, so she can do as she pleases

Exactly! This is not only what they needed, that was the sole purpose of this “event”.

And we muslims have our fair share of prophet jokes. That’s different. I mean, if you ask me, you can draw and mock Mohammed as much as you like, because who gives a shit. But apparently, some lunatics always give a shit, and that’s exactly what this “drawing contest” was hoping for.

But it’s not about drawing the prophet. It’s about counting on some people to fall for the bait. They wanted muslims to go ballistic. And some, of course, do, because that’s the way people are. Doesn’t matter what the majority does, two crazies are enough. Mission accomplished, Mrs Geller, and she knows it!

Absolutely! You are right, and I in no way wanted to suggest that Aboriginal struggle is “over”. I was just thinking about the “Stolen Generation” - that’s where my comment came from. But I would agree if you told me that Aboriginal people are probably among the most oppressed people still today (even though it’s no

Thank you for replying, and whoa, that seems really cringe-worthey! I live in Germany, and we sometimes have some shit on TV where I say to myself: that wouldn’t have been possible in the US.

Yes and no, it would seem. What we see about American right-wingers seems extremely frightening as well, but maybe in another way. Since I have relatives in the Third World where all the “war against terror” takes place, American right-wing extremism also takes a huge death toll. But you are definitely right: the

Can you give us some examples? Would love to hear, since all I now about Australia is that what they did with the Aboriginal people is horrible beyond believe. And it’s not even that long ago...

Exactly! Being white is a choice, much like homosexuality. Why do stupid minority people not get that and just make themselves white and cute and straight and rich by birth? Ts, stupid minority people...

Yeah, exactly! These “I am sorry you were offended”-apologies are no apologies at all. They just literally say: I am sorry that you are so stupid that you become offended by such an *innocent* thing like the one I did, where I just said something completely racist.

I don’t think I would’ve been able to just ignore her comment, if I were part of that twin couple. Poor girls!

This! It’s so amazing to see that people don’t know what apologizing means, but also don’t know what racism means. “So I did this thing where I called a black woman the n-word, punched her in the stomach, then spit on her head while she lay on the ground and laughed like a cartoon super-villain, but I would be