

Me too, but with me, since I am “ethnic” (okay no, I am a MUSLIM!), it didn’t happen. What happened though was people being extremely racist towards me. I wore a headscarf from age 13 on, and so the only things I got was “Hitler should’ve gassed your whole family” (I am German), “Go die in a pile of dog shit”, “I’ll

Mostly with the woman though... I hate parents like that! I am a parent myself and I just HAVE to watch my little one - it’s my JOB!!

I think I remember Edi Falco being a guest on the Colbert Show saying how she is always criticised for the show. Drug use isn't portrayed realistically, being a nurse isn't portrayed realistically and basically her response was: it's a TV show. Not a documentary. I still understand your statement, I just don't

A friend of mine* is the master of pick-up-ception. He is adopted so, when he talks to a girl, he goes: "I am adopted and it is great for getting girls to make out with me". So, this is totally not true, he never does that, but when he talks about how he does it, and then tells the girl he is totally kidding - it


Yeah, I figured that out.... way, way, way later... like when I was 16.

my period is normal to not be happening for half a year. and I've been to the doctor, so that's jsut the way it is. Not noticing that you are pregnant is connected to some psychological problem - no wonder you, as a person without certain problems, don't have it! You know how anorexic people see themselves as fat in


or, you know, people like me who's baby got death threats on the internet because she wasn't born white... after appearing in the local news paper for being one of the new year's eve babies and the local racists started feeling that their country is being "bombarded" with babies of color, and we should "start

or you know: history. maybe that's it. maybe this is about history. I mean, why read about the American Civil War, right? It's been over sooo long, why bother? Just cut it out of all the textbooks...

Or maybe they just don't like locks. Because one thing I truly find astonishing: those, who are afraid of home invaders invading their homes and who keep a gun handy and accessable, also mostly don't lock their frontdoors. Why? Let me say that again: WHY?? Just lock your fucking door, and home invading got a lot more

Didn't even know Merkel was a woman, until now... The more you know!

Oh, then I am sorry, I did misread! It's just that you read about women more and more, who advertise that drinking and smoking during pregnancy can be ok if done in moderation, and I think this is extremely dangerous, because we don't know - for our particular body and our particular baby - what "moderation" really

there are many women in this comment section who tell of their personal experience. Maybe you can find some explanation(s) there.

I've read that there is a lot of psychological shit involved, so popping out only after you found out is pretty common. I hope your sister is fine :).

Kudos to you and your girl! I cannot even imagine myself in that situation, you are monster brave, let me tell you that!

and you forgot to mention that cradle death has decreased since doctors tell women not to smoke during pregnancy. of course alcohol and nicotin affect different women and their children differently, and fetal alcohol syndrome does not always show in the outer appearance of a child. since we don't know how much alcohol

what makes you think that every little detail the police have is in this very short article? believe me, if the police take the seriously beaten guy into custody, and not the guy who beat him up - there is more than just a "he said, she said" kind of situation!

I am no dog person and don't know anything about them, and still this picture didn't seem right to me. But thanks for the details, this is really fucking awful - I didn't know about the weight being THAT damaging... I feel even worse for that poor little thing now...