
honestly, I am kind of surprised that this isn't already a thing in Saudi Arabia. I've been there, everything is segregated, BUT there, it actually was kind of a good thing. Saudi guys (not all of course, but those that you encounter on the street) are awful. For me as a woman I really liked having the amusement park,

Look, I'm not trying to be snarky here, but your analogy has some flaws. What are cars designed for? They are made to take you places. What are swimming pools designed for? To swim in. What are guns designed for? They were specifically invented to kill living beings. I understand that sometimes, people need guns.

But when I go to school and always do my homework, the consequence will be that I learn something, and graduate. So linguistically speaking, consequence is not synonymous with punishment. It's just a neutral word, like the mom in the article tries to say.

Nah, I don't know. I never got presents for Christmas (being the only muslim kid among a whole lot of Christians), and since I had toys and wasn't suffering from material goods, it didn't really feel like an atrocity. The kids that you mention, those who receive gifts through charity, generally don't have much, and

I also don't get the outrage, but I think the public display is basically what this article is about. That they want to be applauded for their approach. But this is just my attempt at understanding the outrage. I usually love Tracy's posts about parenting, but I also don't really understand this.

Reminds me of Paul Mooney's bit about black people in movies...

but unfortunately, this is still exacly how the world works. i am a PoC, and sometimes I am just glad that a white person says/repeats what I have been saying all day long. I hate that this is our reality, but it is.

Not putting you in your place, wherever that is. Assuming stuff about you without knowing you, which seemed to get you quite angry. I stated a fact (I actually worked in retail as a student, so I know about quality of clothing), and you made a conspiracy out of it. So your point is: "I (meaning me!) don't know

For those of you who don't understand how degrading catcalling is: Just imagine a Middle Eastern guy with a beard and a turban did the catcalling. Doesn't that give you the creeps? See? All it needs is a little racism to understand.

Listen, honey. That's what you get for being a condescending and assuming prick. How does that feel, ha? Nice? Stop being such a drama queen, and if you don't like feminist opinions, don't go to a feminist opinion page, boy!

Yes, whiney little man-child, I am not the one replying to EVERY SINGLE ONE here on jezebel, who dares to say that there is need for improvement in certain areas. That's how you actually change something, by the way. So, here are the facts: clothes for men in a certain prize range are of better quality than clothes

I also hate that kind of stuff but totally would let my daughter go - so that she sees with her own eyes how awful it is. As a kid, my parents had the approach to just "trust them" that I wouldn't like it there anyway. Did not work that well. I was a friendly kid and didn't rebell, but I was always so so sad. Had my

now THIS is the perfect birthday party!

uhhhhh that's so exciting!! :D A ridiculous little "angryperson" replied to one of my posts....

naaaawww, that's very cute :). I wrote lists with the names of kids that I liked and why I liked them in my diary...

so, last year I bought some men-pants (I am a tiny woman without many curves, so shape wasn't a problem) next to my usual women-pants. My usual pants are all worn through, they have holes and shit, sometimes after wearing them only two or three times. The men-pants look the same way like when I bought them - not used,

when I see him, I think: awww, this sweet little man. I cannot believe that he raped several women. Somehow, there must a misunderstanding, right? But then I start picturing him buying the drugs, creating the ideal circumstances to go through with it. Being nice to those women/girls so that they don't expect anything.

yeah, I agree. fate made him act like shit, the same way that fate now forces people to make fun of him on twitter. so, it's basically just a natural disaster, no one is at fault.

To all those men who think this is just "polite": I am going to count on your homophobia with this example: IMAGINE YOU ARE WALKING DOWN THAT STREET AND A MILLION GAY MEN AND TRANSGENDER PEOPLE ASK YOU HOW YOUR DAY WAS AND TELL YOU THAT YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL! Many, many, MANY of those who don't understand will understand