
I have such a long and difficult hyphenated last name, you wouldn't believe! So please please please, can I join? :D

ah, no I meant I was just kidding... ;) I applaud your comment without any doubt :)

that's awesome! and an occasional meltdown is something understandable and completely different than the attitude that I see with many teachers: they hate children and are just generally afraid of them.

and being so effing dangerous because muslim, and you know how THEY are!!!

"The Itchy and Scratchy shoooooow"

thank you! It always baffles me how grown ups can break down because of teenagers (I also teach teenagers).

heyyyyy... I am German and I am not THAT twisted :D

The Struwwelpeter, it's great! Also by the same author: Max and Moritz, brothers who are so mean to everybody in the village that in the end in the bakery, they are put into the flour-grinder and end up as bread :D :D :D I am German so I grew up with all that shit!

Thank you!!

She was educated in Iran though.

I always believe that kids, and pets alike, are a big part of people's lives. And if I am interested in those people, and their lives, I am also interested in their kids/pets/both. So I would totally love to see a picture of your cat if we knew each other. I would also love to see pictures of your kids, how

None, and I know that now that you have pets, you have to give them the best care you can. But in general I don't think that having animals live in an environment where it is necessary to build a safe space to run, sniff, roll and act like a dog, is okay. As you put it: there are dogs that have to get a safe space

Nah, I don't have any experience with pooping children in gardens in my very large family. But this doesn't mean it doesn't exist, obviously.

As a child, even when I was very small, I loved grass and loved playing on grass, though. My earliest memories are from when I was three years old.

My husband is allergic to dog hair. And if you go to a cafe and then a dog owner comes in and sits right next to you, and there is still enough space everywhere else, and you tell them that my husband is allergic to dog hair and if they could, perhaps, maybe sit down at the table a little more to the left (because we

Do you do that out of revenge or because you like sharing pictures of your pet? I personally don't have pets and just now have a human (I became a mom several months ago). I like seeing other people's kids and I like seeing other people's pets. If they mean much to my friends, they mean much to me.

So, I'll say this: I don't like the thought of having pets. Because essentially they are ANIMALS and animals don't WANT to be treated like humans, because they are not! I think it is animal abuse to dress your dogs, bathe and shampoo them like humans. I know that most pets cannot just be "let free" and "reintegrated

Oh my god... that's awful!

Exactly. What's more: if you dressed your cats and dogs like kids, gave them candy, generally treat them like humans - that's not good for those pets! (Not saying that YOU do that, just adding to your point)

I totally think what you posted is related. Also, the same thing happens with racism. Many people don't believe it exists because they never have seen a PoC be harrassed on the street.