
it is dark and tar-like. I have experienced it ;)

So, my father is Afghan, that's why we participated in a demonstration (really peaceful) against the Soviet Invasion, back in the day - in Germany! My sister and I constantly thought, we weren't protesting against the Soviets, we were going to FIGHT against the Soviets. So my sister, three years old, asks my mom in

but that's exactly it: white beauty IDEALS, not white beauty. For example, in many Asian countries (Japan, Afghanistan, Iran), white people are called "Big Noses". Have you seen the Japanese airline commercial, where white people are mocked? It shows a blond guy with a huge nose (actually: a Japanese guy with a yellow

This could be a fake, but if it isn't... well, it's an elderly person. I cannot really get the outrage. In these "new" things (not "modest" dressing, women working like men, racism) I do cut the elderly some (SOME!) slack. Look at how they were raised. I am not an advocate of letting old people do whatever they want.

How come the hashtag "meowsplaining" didn't make it into this article? MEOWSPLAINING!!!

yeah, that must be it. I was trying to figure out what happened, and it had to be sth with her legs. I thought maybe an adult helped her there, but you would've seen him/her. I think you cracked it, thanks!

oh my god... totally!

if hell doesn't exist, it will be invented for this guy...

it is. we are...

i am not blaming one side for this conflict. i blame those who are violent. but you are right. the worst thing is, they will join a group that welcomes their racism with open arms:…

thank you for this comment. wish i could star this more!

fact is: it's humans that are horrible. humans. they invented religion, they invented genocide. it all comes down to humans. you are giving religion too much credit. people do what people want, and most of the time, people want bad stuff...

i was wishing that - maybe - the little one had died before (maybe accidental) and the parents had researched "dying in a hot car" just to have a cover story. now i read that the little one really died in that car, and it is just so, so, so horrible. poor baby. poor, poor baby... parents, who are actually capable of

thank you for sharing!!! :D now i would really very much love to read that paper of yours...

why do you think they only make female robots? you're exactly right is what i am trying to say...

i don't post much personal stuff on fb, so i don't have to defend my own behaviour. i certainly have been annoyed by other people's "mysterious" postings like "so sad - yeah, what's up with you? - ah, nothing, don't ask..." but: hey, it's SOCIAL MEDIA. it's all about posting stuff, about yourself, about your life! if

oh, i was just interested. i am from germany and here they don't allow for crime statistics to note he perpetrators religion. so i was just wondering whether it's different in... say the netherlands? i didn't much read your initial discussion...

which country are you from?

the whole season is very much about women. how come he goes after a woman who he cannot talk to, cannot understand, who doesn't talk back and who he also coerces into having sex with him? the woman who stands up to him (pamela) he just wants as a surrogate, and then he almost rapes her and doesn't even GET it (when he