
EVERYONE's better than Shia labeouf!!!

wow :D though i have seen hail in saudi arabia, and it was AWESOMMMMME! :D

also, there is a word for snow in arabic. so they know about the concept, kids actually crave to see snow, they love it!

as a kid (and today) i have never seen a unicorn, disney's gummibears or evil witches. still, i understood the concepts. don't quite get your point here...

saudi arabia is a country rich as f*ck. those who can watch disney movies probably have seen more of the world than you and me and many people in this thread. saudi tourism is huge in europe, and in the us as well i guess.

i used to live in yemen, and the young people LOVED egyptian and libanese arabic - and understood it. and they were huge fans of nancy ajram. to be fair though: i myself don't really speak arabic, nor am i in any way knowledgable about arabic. i just lived there and observed said behaviour.

sorry, i have a 5-month-old baby and just rarely get time at the computer ;). so let's start over again, just let me add that this is exactly what i meant when i mentionend my language skills. i didn't mean to be condescending at all with my first post, i was just brainstorming, trying to wrap my head around the whole

so, mocking me by overrepeating one of my sentences wasn't sarcastic and out of line? fine. playing the victim? of what? of languageism? i merely pointed out that sometimes i get the grammar and the words wrong because i am not as fluent in the english language as you. by the way: writing "nice" after accusing me of

so what if i don't wanna feel sexy but rather... successful? intelligent? rich? never in my life have i felt sexy, because i don't NEED to...

okay okay, so you win, hail to you, sorry for my bad englishes (after all, not my first language).

i understand your point. i don't however understand why you get all "you are saying thought crime is a good thing now"-bogus. i was just trying to understand the reasoning behind this law (see my sentence: "i GUESS the reason behind this law is..."). the only part that could be misunderstood is my last sentence, where

i guess they included that, original pictures and alterations based on those pictures. i am german, but still not very sure about the workings of the legal system. i just know that we take it step by step over here, so this is probably building up to something else. a decision in civil court could be valuable if it

posted this already, but here: "i guess the reason for this lawsuit is that, should he one day think about putting those photos online, he will think twice about it, since he KNOWS that this will get him in trouble. without the lawsuit, he could have posted them online, then she would have to sue, then there would be

and yeah, even in germany you probably cannot force him to delete the pictures, but it makes sure that he will never share them with anybody.

posted this already, but here: "i guess the reason for this lawsuit is that, should he one day think about putting those photos online, he will think twice about it, since he KNOWS that this will get him in trouble. without the lawsuit, he could have posted them online, then she would have to sue, then there would be

i guess the reason for this lawsuit is that, should he one day think about putting those photos online, he will think twice about it, since he KNOWS that this will get him in trouble. without the lawsuit, he could have posted them online, then she would have to sue, then there would be a trial, and then MAYBE he has

not a guy here, but i guess we are talking older men here (who has that kind of money???) and not some college dudes or her peers...

only correction i'd add: not only in the last 13 years since Sept. 11th but waaaaay before (Iranian revolution is but one example...)

i once talked to my class about this phenomenon, because: think about it: every "womanly" clothing item is designed to look but not feel good (and no, i call bullshit on everyone who tells me high heels are really totally "comfortable if you get used to them"). "womanly" or feminine clothes mostly PREVENT movement:

personally, i find plastic surgery DISGUSTING, if it's not for medical reasons (once worked in a hospital in the so-called Third World where correctional surgery became available for burn victims etc.). still, this guy surprises me. he seems to be well balanced, i even kind of like his world view. he is absolutely