
didn't expect to find this on jezebel, wondering if anyone is even slightly interested ;) except me of course, being from germany...

person from germany writing: you are right, age of consent is 14, as long as the older partner is not in a position of power over the younger one. so teachers, coaches etc. are not allowed to have sexual relationships with their students, trainees. still, there was a very disturbing case last year or so, where a

when i got married, his ex-girlfriend wanted to have a say in the whole thing. she is very manipulative and looks like a girl who couldn't harm a fly, so that both me and my husband fell for her stories. she played us, played our families, she played her husband (whom we didn't know about, it just came out later). she

yeah, you are backing it up with more facts ;) but i basically wanted to point out that the UK are going a different direction with many things and that for some of my friends who migrated to the UK from Germany, health care issues were a little difficult to resolve (but possible, nonetheless). Saying that this

the UK is part of the EU, but not like other major partnering countries (e.g. France, Germany etc.) because they don't accept the European currency (EURO). Nevertheless: I am a citizen of the EU and I couldn't get free healthcare in the UK - this is not how the EU works. The UK is an exception, and even if it were

i love how he mentions the turkey. what about drone strikes? what about guantanamo? it's not that i don't think you can't say something against animal cruelty - but i would imagine that obama is much more at fault directly and personally (what with the kill lists etc.) for drone strikes than for thankgsgiving. "And

ah, i am too late... i would have suggested you just call in sick (1 hour before), and then the two of them would've had a really awkward dinner, what with gravy an bread only :D. that would teach them to divide the list more even the next time ;)

ehm... first of all: test scores are NOT what makes japan powerful. i actually am a scholar in japanese studies, and i can tell you that nowadays, japan is still pretty much under the influence of the US (after they lost in WWII) and the hatred against the USA is still very strong over there (see US troops in okinawa,

i get your point, but this kind of cultural appropriation is based on strong misconceptions. my culture also is frequently mistaken for arabic culture, which it isn't even close to at all. the consequences are that even my people confuse it, mix it up and don't really know anymore. needless to say this comes from a

so let's say you did that. you brushed it off, laughed about it, didn't really care. then your boss fires you. and has a right to do so. and then you try to get a new job, which is not easy in this economy anyway. you send out applications, and whenever hr thinks you are a suitable candidate to invite for a job

that brain looks.... not like a brain but something else.

actually, that's a good comment. because if you look at hitler, the PERSON, he might seem quite nice. he loved animals, kids (there are videos), he never spoke like in his speeches (wild and aggressive and ridiculous) but with a deep and sombre voice. he was a vegetarian, loved the arts and was friends with a lot of

actually, do you know who warned them of bin laden's attack? the embassador of uzbekistan, who in turn had been warned by the taliban. the taliban, far from being benevolent warners, were aware of bin laden's attack and did not want to bring another war to afghanistan, knowing fully well that it would result in huge,

it's way better then pretending he was that big humanist/saviour, hopping from TED talk to university speech, founding a foundation to help "kids with cancer" and in reality still medddling in world politics and lobbying. cats is better. waaaay better.

this... list is so random. so they just asked "guys they know" and then one guy finds that those certain pants look like someone had huge creepy balls and has to hide them? and this one guy who obviously has a weird imagination shall dictate what i wear and i am now to throw out many of my pants? *confused*

well, i am a bit of a book nerd and english is not my first language. so, i make an effort to actually read books in the original language (started doing that as a child with sherlock holmes-stories) and - let's say - it confuses me that there is such a thing as translating books from british to american and vice

what i find way more disturbing is that there is an actual TRANSLATION from the harry potter books to "American English". the books you can buy in europe and those in the states are not the same, they are "translated".

who said that they are? in germany, where i live, people who are well-dressed and obviously are wealthy are frowned upon, if they don't tip. if you look like a student though, waiters might not LIKE not getting a tip from you, but they also don't mind because they understand. that's all i said. so i honestly don't

many europeans have a problem with that. i didn't know before i went to the US and i found the tipping insane. somebody then told me that this was the biggest part of their "salary" (don't even think you can call it that). so yeah, then i tipped like hell, even though i couldn't afford it. in europe people get paid a

i have to watch that show :D. never heard of it before... i would find it annoying if she slept with every other guy (if this is REALLY what happens) but only because i find that boring in male and female characters. Every second scene being a sex scene makes me think that i could've watched a different kind of movie,