
the commenter did not "split hairs" but explained the legal system. here's a thought: read the text before you "get all anal" over stuff the commenter didn't even write.

you are absolutely correct and in NO WAY defend a rapist - don't let commenters tell you otherwise. i was also very confused by the title and the text and thought: maybe it's my lack of english language skills or my lack of knowledge about the US political system. thanks for clarifying what actually happened. still:

i don't see the satire that much. she doesn't look ridiculous in this video, she dances sexy. those that go over the top and look like stupid people are 1) the white manager guy and 2) the black backup dancers. if you wanna make fun of something you should go all the way and make yourself look ridiculous, like pink

i don't believe it works as satire at all - it does make fun about white executives using black culture to get rich, but it puts in so much effort to actually look sexy that you can ignore the criticism and just jerk off to it... pink on the other hand did a very good job in the past by making herself look ridiculous.

i am female, and i once talked to my best male friend who said that this friend of a friend was driving him crazy because she just talked too much. he is kind of a - loveable - dick and i didn't take his complaint too seriously. then i met her and it was just TOO MUCH. she had this monotonous way of talking and never

honestly, i always keep asking myself how - especially a school - can so completely fail. my theory is this: the "rape boys" look sort of handsome and since it is believed that certain girls just like to be f*cked by whomever, the fact that those boys look like boys out of a boyband just makes it IMPOSSIBLE that those

it's even worse than the trayvon-martin-case. with trayvon, you could say that zimmerman was part of the neighborhood-watch, seeing himself as part of law enforcement (even though that's bogus) and reacting in a situation that could be described as nerve-wrecking. mind you, i am not defending that guy.

they make it sound like an "important job", that "somebody" has to "do" to make the world a better place.

as a former boy-clothes wearer and boy-haircut-haver i can tell you: it will make your daughter stronger! it's awful and everything, and with me - when i was little - i didn't even wear that stuff because i liked it but because my father chose my clothes, and he was very much against "girly clothing". i came to like

Okay, so mine rather is my father's story, who just has the best stories since he grew up in a country that is wild and brutal and beautiful all at once. he is from afghanistan, and things are different over there. when he was a little boy, the youngest of seven children, people were used to seeing weird stuff and

i am a minority (and look like it). when i was little, people used to follow me around in stores all the time. i made fun of them by walking really fast, almost running through the lanes. it was nice to see how the employees couldn't keep up :)

it truly enrages me to hear this argument over and over again. if you really believe in this kind of sh*t, you should as well admit that - just by going out, whether you are male, female, young or old - shit can happen to you and you always deserve it! say he (this lawyer) is murdered by a serial killer who

the only "good thing" about this is that the girls seem to have support from their parents. there was a friend of my younger sister who was fucked up in many ways and lived in an awful household. some day she told my sister that when she was 13, she went out to party with some friends, ended up at a "party" some guys

i don't think we should even talk about this picture. it should inspire memes where we all show off our achievements and bully other people who haven't reached that! something along the line of stephen king holding up a gazillion books, saying something about some hard shit in his life and then asking "what's your

if this was an article about advising people how to behave during a breakup of a loved one/friend, i would totally like it. and i would see the author's point. but calling those things "the most fucked up things" and generally shitting over people's inability to say the right thing in those moments that always feel

oh boy... so now she needs to have plastic surgery to "look 14", and then - when she is 30 - the same guy will want to make her look 25 because "hey, this face is unacceptable, you still look like 14!!!" this girl has CHARACTER which probably is what this stupid doctor meant. and yeah, it's not well liked in women and

i totally agree, except for the Dawkins-thing: with him what was so horrible was the fact that he said something along the line of: a little rape/molestation in childhood is ok, it's like getting bruises when riding a bike - it's just part of childhood. clearly i see where his attitude comes from, but your on trauma

yeah, she could have known better - if she even was 14 or 15, cb does not seem to be clear about that either. as far as i remember, 14-year-olds don't even like TALKING to 8-year-old kids, because: gross, they are still kids! this is not to say that she wasn't abused at some time in her life, but yeah, she still raped

admitting that chris brown was raped as a child does not make him less responsible for his aggressiveness towards women. that's why we should call it what it is: just imagine how tiny and little and small an 8 year old child is... being exposed to porn is horrible enough, but being raped by a - maybe 14 or 15 year old