
paris hilton is a perfect example showing us that musical talent (or any artsy talent) cannot be bought...

nooo, nooo - definitely not! you are absolutely right, this should never be a one-way street, and i HATE the thought of only women being told how to behave. i totally agree on that with you!

and nobody said that you should make binge-drinking for women illegal, or that - as it unfortunately happens - men who rape drunk women are somehow "less" to blame at court. this is AWFUL and it has to stop! i just wanted to comment on the fact that the original poster suggested we can also protect ourselves by not

i answered pretty early and didn't want to repost when my answer didn't show up. so i just left it at that, and somehow my post came through later. still, even if it'S like the one million-est answer to your question and it is not offensive - why bother getting pissed?

there was a girl who passed out while drinking with "the guys", who were all in a soccer team. she knew them. they made her drink. they drank themselves. then they all raped her. like more than 11 guys, ALL of them. she became pregnant afterwards, she had to fight for her right to get to know who of them was the

she doesn't say that, though.

what she has done is NOT victim blaming! drinking yourself into unconsciousness is NEVER a good idea - it is unhealthy, dangerous to the point that many people end up in a hospital and should generally be seen as detestable. it is NO excuse however to rape a girl, it should NEVER be said that - in a way - now SHE is

you asked, people answer. that's how it works, and i never even remotely criticised you for your question and view. you are right: the problem is still here, or rather: it returned which means that the solution we once thought about as a people doesn't seem to work too well. i still don't think that going back to the

i understand where you're coming from with this question, but we actually had that situation in many countries in the former days, and the result was that only wealthy men could be elected, because they a) had the financial resources to not rely on a regular job and b) had the wife at home who did all the housework

the one single picture that explains the whole article - thank you!

after reading your comment i just realised that this was exactly what i felt on a subconscious level.

i see your point, and i wouldn't mind a campaign directed at boys - it does not have to be one or the other.

very good comment! on the one hand i think that girls need to be met where they are at right now, which is feeling ugly all the time but really wanting to feel beautiful (because that's what society told them to look like). this is the first step. the second step would be to not talk about "beauty" at all. i get that

she... looks so white on these photos, doesn't she? also: life is hard for so many people. like, really really really hard - i never understand that notion of "i am observed all the time, my life is so difficult!" i guess i know too many people who had to deal with so much bullshit that i cannot really take complaints

she... looks so white on these photos, doesn't she? also: life is hard for so many people. like, really really really hard - i never understand that notion of "i am observed all the time, my life is so difficult!" i guess i know too many people who had to deal with so much bullshit that i cannot really take complaints

but you could also call it "progress" (i'm not though, i'm really not!). think about it: several years ago, those clerics would just have to say: "because women are weak and bad and do bad stuff if let outside alone", but now he has to make up some bullshit-science argument to make people accept it more easily...

don't mean to defend the country or anything (NOT a fan at all!) but the reason men's clothes are white as opposed to women's is that white is see-through, and mostly men wear stuff under those white things so that you cannot see their junk. also: black is not a must for the women, but since it's not see-through, many

while i'm not a great fan of this dressing-style, it is true though: the fabric mostly is very thin and made for high temperatures - but mostly dry heat, not so much whatever i imagine must be going on in florida. arabia is mostly very dry heat. also: i have an aunt who lived in saudi arabia for the last - i think -

uh, exciting. they (saudi clerics) are catching up!!

well... that's not entirely true though. there are black arab people and white arab people (as in: actual skin color). and since september 11th arabs cannot check the "caucasian" box anymore, but have to go for "middle eastern". other than that: the whole "race category"-thingey is pretty outdated. and very political.