
thank you for showing me beauty :D this is the BEST!

that's what i thought... sailermoon-ish in a way...

to make one thing quite sure: it is NOT ok to call someone a slut and act accordingly towards them. having said that: unfortunately it still happens, and i think there is a big difference between telling your kid that she is a slut and WANTS the attention, or that her attire (or his for that matter) can be considered

i see... now i am getting closer to the truth. don't you just hate it when people don't get jokes and you have to explain them some often that every funny is lost? i'm sorry for being that person... ;)

okey, thanks - now i am not worried anymore :) but i still sort of don't understand your comment or what exactly you were referencing... (maybe i am just a little slow, and english is also not my mothertongue - maybe that's why i don't get all nuances... )

how so?

and i want to point out that even the argument "in the old days, everybody was a racist" is not true. take kipling's poem where he invented the term "the white man's burden". the same year (the SAME year) another poem was published calling bullshit on kipling's notion that the poor white man has to educate and

ahhhh... this makes me feel good! not the way that white teacher acted, but her reaction. way to go!!! i would've done exactly the same! (i've had "similar" experiences, being an "ethnic" university teacher who looks rather young on top of "ethnic" and muslim...)

best. meme. ever.

good idea, but i'd rather john oliver did the daily show, europe edition - also daily, but with... europe. there's a lot going on here as well! and it needs the care of a good comedian!

i was being sarcastic :) i totally get your point, and of course absolutely agree.

definitely! i think she works "both ways" - slutshaming and husband-crashing... i feel for the guy. he wouldn't let her put up photos of herself and her daughter (in a bathing suit, mind you!) if HE was the crazy. i guess it's all her...

i wouldn't say that though... sometimes the wives are the crazies. just think about the poor husband. all his magazines (and i'm talking the innocent ones!) get censored with a black marker before they are allowed on the living-room table. when they go outside, she constantly jumps up to hold her hands in front of his

i can't see anything bad with her post. basically she is saying: girls, there are creepy people and sexual predators out there, like the "hall men" who stalk you as a family-activity and masturbate to your innocent girlie bedroom-selfies. safe yourselves from people like us - we are dangerous! or did i not get her

i don't know whether this is an "american thing", but where i come from (europe) - whether you go to university or not - you have to work really hard, many have several jobs and be an adult by the time you turn 18. nobody cuts me slack if i'm 20, not even the law does. the only people who can relax a little are those

to be fair, walt is not "just as bad" he is REALLY AWFUL! but that's why i love the character, and skylar just the same. she is awful, nagging, and just annoying - but that makes the whole show even more likeable! it's not that anna gunn is a "bad actress" or that they could have written her character better. they

He is a great human being for not becoming a violent person himself. But this does not tell us that he doesn't suffer the consequences from his abusive upbringing! We don't know anything about his relationships, his coping mechanisms, his everyday problems. Everybody who grows up being abused (be it sexual or other)

exactly! when i was little, other (white) girls never agreed with any of my play-choices. if i wanted to be snow white, she was too white. if i wanted to be cinderella, she was too blond. if i wanted to be [any other disney princess], she was just too [white]. they were, they could play whomever they want. i wasn't,

i am totally against changing fairy tales, because - you know - historical accuracy. also: how is it that disney princesses seem so american?? why don't they speak with accents, if they have to speak english at all...

unfortunateyl, it happens all over the world - europe is no exception. it's called actual prostitution here, and it's legal, but websites where you can advertise your body have become "the new thing"... it started with hookup-sites, where you could sometimes also want money for a hookup.