
there is this book "king solomon's mines" written by one henry rider haggard in the 19th century. it's racist, allright, after all it is written by a white dude who supported the british empire all his life and thought that building colonies is "freeing those people from their heathen selves". but guess what: in this

i don't know whether this is a thing in the united states, but in germany we started having men shelters, where abused husbands/boyfriends can flee from their aggressive/brutal wives... and the number is growing so: yeah, it's not like a child hitting an adult. it can be pretty violent...

i can totally agree with you on that, just wanted to point it out ;)

Silesia used to be part of Germany.

So, the thing with Silesia is: it once was part of Germany (Nazi days). Then, when Hitler lost the war, Poland understandably did not want any future traitors living in their country, so those Germans who were still left, had to go. But still, her accent does not sound Polish, nor German, nor anything. I'm with

My grandfather is from Silesia - I myself am German. The accent doesn't sound German at all!!! Since I am teaching English in Germany, I know a little bit about German accents. They differ, depending on the part of Germany you come from, but this is definitely no German, and no Polish accent... I am sorry. Sounds very

Uh, i love these discussions... you know how stephen colbert always pretends not to see race, and then says sth completely racist? same here... those women DO look alike, completely (and the korean plastic surgery-problem has been commented on for quite a while now). anyone who denies that they look alike, probably