Junkrat aka Rick Sanchez: Fury Road Edition

I only knew this was in the flag code because of another argument I had with somebody recently. I have decided that I’m going to print out a copy of the code and keep it with me in my wallet so that the next time I see some jackass wearing an American Flag shorts/bandana/whatever type of clothing while bitching about

It’s polarizing to want people to be treated fairly & respectfully? Shit.

that’s a badass competizione

He probably already has Osgood-Schlatter issues.

Every day, friend.

On the other hand, it’s also easier than ever to yell all sorts of fun things at said celebrities

Did you not see the amazing defense he played in the second half or do you think basketball is all offense?

Good thing they only need to win two games in a row

Yeah, the feeling I got from his column was that D’Amato is mostly worried that he’ll get in trouble for what he would write about her if she didn’t do well as the Bucks coach. I guarantee this guy would not be able to write a column about her coaching after a Buck’s loss without alluding to her lady parts being, in

You kneel for the anthem, you disrespect this hero.

You are wise. The Thomas Covenant stuff is rapey enough, but the Gap novels are pure misogyny. The protagonist’s character is basically defined by the number of times she is publically raped. I gave up when I realized the only point was to make her endure as much humiliation as possible on the way to becoming a


Sadly this is how legalization is going to happen. A bunch of rich white guys deciding they’re going to get rich off it.

I... get removing the songs from any reprints of the game. I can even get behind any new downloads or sales...

This seems like a far more fun fantasy league than the lame ones where you just pick players and get points because they do well at baseball stuff. Just imagine the thrill you’d feel down 10 points entering Sunday, but knowing you have Joe West behind home plate in a nationally televised game!

Hopefully this case will serve as a reminder to the public that Atlanta blew a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl.

Bracket racing is probably the most racial diverse racing there is.

New Orleans Saints 2006-present.

Aren’t console exclusives bad? Why would we want more of them?

I have a hard time grouping Le Batard in the same herd as true idiots that say outlandish things like Cowherd and pretty much any Boston radio sports personality. I stumbled on Le Batard’s show a couple of years ago and have walked away consistently impressed with how willing he is to analyze things with far greater