Junkrat aka Rick Sanchez: Fury Road Edition

That fucking handjob of a debate, jesus christ i swear. Lauer can fuck right off and stay unemployed until he dies.

He never doesn’t look smug.

Clay Travis probably deserves the award, but I know he’d also wear it as some badge of Owning The Libs Pride, so fuck his scratchy-scalp Pepe Lite ass.

It’s nowhere near health care for all, so stop pushing that lie. Medicare for all is what we needed and Obama sold us out to the insurance and health system lobbies

Also, mini truck culture is still alive and well. 

Re: the brother in-law ordering for the table.

How dare you slander the great Jim tomsula by lumping him in with Sandusky.

I think the football gods have decided to troll the owners who won’t sign Kaep by knocking out two QBs a week until he’s signed.

Funny. My take was: “You’re a goddamn monster!”

“He then took that ticket, put it in his revolver, and shot me while I sat in my car.”

“I never see anybody on TV.”

God, I love that E! Hollywood Story. Alan Thicke telling him, “Look, if Growing Pains is playing too blue for your taste, you might need to get out of network television.”

I am not sorry to insult Richard Petty.

If you forgot anything, it’s SSBM. Literally one of the best games ever made, possibly the greatest on this console.

Ray Lewis is human garbage.

Deeply religious, eh? Veers from another subject onto the subject of pornography, eh?

No, the Celica does not look better. The interior is probably just as plastic too.