Junkrat aka Rick Sanchez: Fury Road Edition

the answer is always shitty punk rock songs.

I have two kids and even I didn’t read that part.

That’s amazing and depressing at the same time.

Colon debuted April 4, 1997, the same year Turner field opened. That’s right Bartolo Colon’s career has outlasted Turner Field

That was a pretty dirty play by Sherman. The play was obviously dead and he went straight for the knee anyway. The refs fucked the whole thing up more than I could have thought possible.

As a life long bills fan, I thought I had seen us screwed in every manner possible. That was dog shit.

Those things probably are measured in inches.

Ubiquiti EdgeRouter POE 5 + Ubiquiti Unifi 802.11AC (UAP-AC-PRO)

Ubiquiti EdgeRouter POE 5 + Ubiquiti Unifi 802.11AC (UAP-AC-PRO)

I ain’t giving you no tree fiddy you goddamn Brock Ness monster

“Trip over their dicks....”

That’s such a good take. What is being done isn’t a threat to the game or America, it’s a threat to the fictional, everything is fine / racism is over narrative that people are erroneously tacking into the America that they believe exists.

Wow. And to think I’ve erroneously called it ‘Cleveland’ for years.

They’re trolling, right....right?

I feel like this has got to be an attempt at next-level satire.

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.

This is accurate. Salesmen at my employer sell many things that we are just unable to do. Then us technical people are left to deal with breaking the bad news to customers or forced to figure out a solution around all of our limitations.

I’m a honda fan. I feel your pain :(

Still waiting to meet someone who talks like this and has actually served in the military, police, fire protection, medical industry, general non-profit or the fucking humane society.

I think the important lesson here is.....