Junkrat aka Rick Sanchez: Fury Road Edition

The 30 for 30, if it’s still around, will be excellent.

Yes. It’s a major problem no matter what opioid is used.

How is he in possession of such a sun bleached Chiefs cap? He wasn’t there long enough for it to happen naturally.

I was partial to Aisha Tyler, but whatever.

When I tell people that this is an actual band, no one believes me.

I install access control systems in office buildings. I have done similar setups on many executive offices. I would consider Matt Lauer to be of similar employment status as an executive at a large company, wouldn’t you? The way the doors work is that they are actually locked all the time and the button unlocks it. I

I don’t know deployment schedules or anything, but I could see a big problem at universities. I don’t know how fast places roll out Mac OS updates on a large scale. Windows takes years sometimes for IT staff to approve a new version. I also see a problem with parents that rely on the built in parental controls.

Some come with one from the factory, explodey nougat and all.

While there were 4WD Beetles built when they were still called the Kubelwagen this is not one. It’s probably a mish mash of synchro and Type IV parts. That or it’s a body swap on another chassis.

Maybe if he had done harder drugs he would have gotten more sympathy. I’m trying to remember if any white guys have ever been suspended for weed, and I know lots of white guys that smoke weed. Why do old white men have such a hard on against weed?

I completely understand what you are saying as a current EK and past EG owner. I had a girlfriend that had an EM(2) so I know the difference of the generations first hand. I still want an EP3 so badly. I love the proportions and that dash shifter, very nice. Something like this maybe.

It was an OK game. What wasn’t OK was having to unlock all the heroes. I paid full price for the game at launch. I could see doing it in the single player campaign, but not for multiplayer. The balance issues during the first month only exacerbated the issues.

Are we sure Mark Geragos isn’t going around sabotaging QB’s?

Yeah cause the gas station makes the gasoline. They all have similar prices because most of them use the same supplier.

I haven’t seen the movie since it was in theatres, but you are right. That is an EG Civic dash. The Mk III Jetta looked completely different. I don’t remember him driving a Honda at all.

Well this seems timely.

At first I thought you were making a time traveller joke. Like the ones that catch smartphones during a Tyson fight or in an old movie. 

Funny I’ve been on the hunt for one for my Valiant. I have to shorten my driveshaft, but I don’t have to move the perches.

Yes it most certainly does. It looks to include the basic permits for 30 duplexes. Too bad at at price you would need to sell each place for around $250,000 to make any money. I don’t know about you, but that’s a tall order for a duplex on the outskirts of OKC.

How many times has Lou Holtz been handcuffed and made to sit on a curb while they “figure things out”?