Junkrat aka Rick Sanchez: Fury Road Edition

Go back to talking about your husbands enormous white dick. I hate the fucking pandering to the military that goes on during sporting events. You wanna help the veterans? Give us all healthcare, not just the ones that retire/disabled.

Only one star to give.....

I grew up in LA and never thought of the Saints as an actual NFL team either. LSU might as well have been the pro team according to popularity. I never understood until I got older and learned of the Saints history. I thought the Oiler’s fanbase was tortured.....

I too am proud. I missed the original post, but here is mine.

They are not illegal for residences according to the NFPA, which is the organization that writes the standard for fire prevention. There is this whole clause of the “Authority Having Jurisdiction” is the final word, but they usually follow the NFPA guidelines. If they made those illegal then you would have to make

I’m pretty sure taxation is the OG crowdfunding.

NASA was able to use crowd funding to build a lunar rover. Great ideas aren’t always monetarily feasible.

I work across the street from one. The days I work in the office, it is really hard not to go there everyday. It is closer than where I park my car. Everything else, in walking distance, is too much money to spend on lunch everyday. When I go I usually only get bean burritos or a mexican pizza with no meat. I don’t

Cause a procharged LS3 isn’t doing that already. When you start making money at your hobby it becomes a job. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have hobbies.

21 Pilots ughhh gag me with a spoon. For being edgy edgelords they sound pretty generic. I just get told I’m too old and I don’t understand, but this is the music all the generic white people listen to. This is the music for all the people that peaked in high school, and sing along “to the good old days” and mean it

There is always option C the sign and trade.

I don’t really have a dog in this hunt. I just like seeing assholes that use the term “I’ll wait” get told. I can’t think of a more douchey way to respond in a discussion than “I’ll wait”.

It also rewards the people that supported them during early access.

I’m originally from the area that the Robertsons are from, and if anybody is frontin it’s the old man. The way they look today and the way they look in the picture you posted is what passes for style for white boys. Golfing outfits were all the rage in the late 90's, now everyone has gigantic beards. The old man

I’m originally from the area that the Robertsons are from, and if anybody is frontin it’s the old man. The way they look today and the way they look in the picture you posted is what passes for style for white boys. Golfing outfits were all the rage in the late 90's, now everyone has gigantic beards. The old man

I’m originally from the area that the Robertsons are from, and if anybody is frontin it’s the old man. The way they look today and the way they look in the picture you posted is what passes for style for white boys. Golfing outfits were all the rage in the late 90's, now everyone has gigantic beards. The old man

He’s probably meeting Ron Artest.

That is not a euphemism.

I wish someone would make my slant six reliable

How in the fuck does he manage to recruit non white amateurs? Does it take a few months of being around him to realize he is a complete asshole?