Junkrat aka Rick Sanchez: Fury Road Edition

You forgot to add that if somehow you get the car here on a temp basis and it becomes legal age, you have to export and then import it again.

Beginning of 05 my friend was looking for a slightly used WRX. We found a blue 04 sedan about 3 hours south at a dealership. We go look at it, there are some questionable, but well done cosmetic mods. We get the classic slick middle aged white guy salesman. He says he has to drive it off the lot to start the test

I drove with my dad from Houston to middle of nowhere Kansas towing an empty trailer to buy a race car. He decided not to get it and towed an empty trailer back. I don’t remember the exact reason, but the car was not as advertised and the guy didn’t want to deal. This was twenty-five years ago, so the internet wasn’t

I-40 AZ/CA. NM is pretty bad as well.

Think about those poor souls that choose to drive a Sorrento everyday. These are the same people that won’t eat at Wendy’s because the meat is square.

Probably a cosmetic connection your mind mistakes for thematic.

Old Rick ruining everything.

They do rolling half mile for top speed runs. You are watching two seperate events.

I think his argument is more along the lines that tire competition in itself will cause manufacturer’s to make unsafe tires. It really doesn’t matter who the manufacturer is, one of them will push it past being safe to make it faster. I can agree with that, but I also think there are ways to manage the competition to

Don’t forget the head and neck restraint, and the SFI approved bellhousing. Did they build this thing specifically for the street outlaws crowd?

My friend was listening to the Around the NFL podcast at work the other day, and they were talking about Derek Carr blocking two of the hosts on Twitter. Who is the most famous person to block you on Twitter?

I have some experience with Vertu phones. I haven’t dealt with them in a couple of years so my info may be dated. You pay for the personal concierge service offered by Vertu, and from what I hear they are fantastic. You press a button on the phone, someone instantly answers and they have the connections to make pretty

No I.T. Crowd? Whatevs.

Sir Isaac Newton would like a word....

They would go, but only ironically.

Either you are misremembering or it was a swap. You could get the sedan in manual, but not the SportCross.

I love wagons and I love the IS, I just do not love the SportCross. The wagon greenhouse was just a little out of proportion with the rest of the car. It was only available in the autotragic. 

When did Tebow start playing basketball?

Dan Harmon: “they’re drawing it you gigantic asshole,”. That was a few days ago I believe. 

It’s real and it’s spectacular.