
Fade to black. ... The end. "Cut to black. "Audience goes fucking apeshit." Godspeed.

Fred Mode? FRED MODE!

Love ya Whitlock..I mean Wenzel!

That's what SHE said! Or..what I imagine she said in the last few moments.

This is why we can't have nice things so stop asking for nice things.

Well Samer, our favorite beat writers are the ones that can beat write off the top of their heads.

Na na na na na na na na na BACKFATMAN! Na na na na na na na na na BACKFATMAN!

Maybe he can call his oldest and dearest friend Max Power to bail him out.

He keeps forgetting she's not in love anymore. He keeps forgetting things will never be the same again.

By commenting, I'm guessing you?

But then what would we have to talk about?

I wonder if they know I'm really straight. Nah, just be cool and keep drinking.

That's some mighty good trollin' there, Lou. Mighty good trollin'.

Well done!

Well done kid. Well done. +1

Garrard: Would love a call from the rams!

De bones don't lie!

I ain't sayin' he shoulda kept it, but I understand.

Dances with White Folk