Thank you!
Thank you!
Just wanted to say that I thought this was a great article. Personally I thought it did a good job of presenting both sides of the story, and even though the final message was against Google, it did explicitly state that we all have to make the decision ourselves about whether or not we should continue to trust Google…
Well we'll see what happens when Sprint rolls out their LTE network. If they still offer unlimited data, I guarantee they will see a significant spike in their customer base. ESPECIALLY if they start offering it with tablets.
I've been thinking of doing something similar to your setup to recycle my Evo once I've upgraded. My Evo has HDMI out and the built in Wifi & various apps will let me stream from my NAS, so I can use it as a decent video source to a TV / monitor.
I guess I don't understand why this would be 'such a high-cost item'? No moving parts... Just a solid slab of plastic (or wood, but I doubt it), a few other basic plastic shapes bolted to it, and some printed designs. Granted, it's relatively large for a toy, but why would it cost much more than an actual skateboard,…
Now now now, I'm don't generally have a rigid preference between Microsoft and Google — I happen to really like a number of products from both companies.
Hmmm, that IS interesting, but I don't think it indicates that they are doing the same thing that Google potentially does.
Wow... 3 locations on a whopping 18 subjects... How thorough. I guess the case is closed then, huh?
They don't mean compression like digital data size compression.
And I think the most fundamental reason why this is a bad idea is that it would be fighting legislation with criminal action, which would only make the bill seem more appropriate.
Maybe I'm just having a brain fart, but aren't
Just had to say - that last paragraph got a chuckle out of me.
I think his point is that an SSD is much larger than just twice the size of an SD card. If someone told me they were able to fit 2 TB on a device the size of an SSD, I would NOT immediately assume they could fit 1 TB on a device the size of an SD card.
Even the HD IMAX & RPX films I've seen in top-tier theaters are not as good quality as Blu-Ray though. If I could crank up my sound system in my apartment as high as they do in theaters, I would choose home viewing almost every time.
Well, you are describing the PROPER functioning of a printer. How much of the described functionality (e.g. the placement of paper in the machine at any given moment, the state of the fuser, the thermal switch) is mechanically controlled, and how much is controlled via the onboard chips & logic?
Any idea what was up with the red rim that flashed briefly around the edge of the screen? Honeycomb shows a blue rim when you're placing things on the home screens. But that red rim appeared when he was in apps too.
I do like the effect when the new page swipes in from the side and the existing page fades out the back though. But you're right, it doesn't make sense (in relation to the gesture) when you swipe to the side and the new page pushes in from the back. But it does sorta make sense when you realize that you pushed it back…
I'm just going to throw my two cents into this pile of change that's accumulating.
?!? Is there some wonderful new technology that's replaced them? Because I don't know of any better way to get free digital content that you can't find through legitimate means...
I heard tell they still got a whole mess'a bandwidth out Californie-way.