@iHamAndCheese: How the hell did you get into my house to take that picture?
@iHamAndCheese: How the hell did you get into my house to take that picture?
@ProgenDev: Essentially you just want an HTPC. They're extremely common.
@superflanker00su: Windows 7 on your TV? That's a cinch! I've had Windows 7 on my TV since Windows 7 was released, and had Vista on it for years before that.
I've had it for a couple of days (actually the final RC before the actual release, but there's probably little difference.) All it took each time I used it was a couple minutes in a browsing session before I switched back to Dolphin.
@Rakkoon: Depending on the device, you might be able to find an APK online for the App Market itself, so you can sideload it onto the device and then voila - you have access to all of the normal Android apps.
@Gonzie: What the hell am I looking at here? Is that a swivelly stool without legs? Some sort of permanent, flat screw to drill in to the air traffic controller's head?
Yeah that article did make it sound a little better, by saying that the Touch Wiz UX does add useful functionality. Which is good, sure, but we also have to deal with their 'Samsungy' visual experience.
"The GALAXY Tab 10.1 and 8.9 feature Samsung's own TouchWiz user interface implemented on the Android™ 3.0 (Honeycomb) platform, offering superior multi-tasking and enhanced user interaction and navigation."
@thehouserules: Ahhh, so you answered my question just as it left my fingertips. I guess it's just a matter of time until someone releases a widget that will do what these instructions do, because that is a very obnoxious way to have to do that.
You can't disable 4G? Is this some fundamental difference between how LTE works vs, say WiMax (like my Evo uses) that makes it impossible to disable? Or does the phone not have a 3G antenna at all? What's the deal?
Yeah, this announcement is framed in such a way that it's impossible to express any emotion about the supply shortage without coming off as a callous douche.
Ahhh, yeah I could see that. My sister has a Galaxy S phone and I have to admit that the screen undeniably 'pops' more than mine (although since I'm used to mine, I kinda thought that the contrast and color depth seemed too high, almost cartoonish, when I first saw it).
@texasbrownie.com: Except that Paypal charges a fee for it, and you have to wait for a couple of days before the money makes the full trip from one person's actual bank account to the other person's actual bank account.
@texasbrownie.com: Except that Paypal charges a fee for it, and you have to wait for a couple of days before the money makes the full trip from one person's actual bank account to the other person's actual bank account.
@dereksalem: +1 for the Dolphin love. I started using it right after getting my Evo and realizing the stock browser kept wanting to load the mobile versions of sites. After trying out Dolphin, I will never go back. It's superior in every way.
@JoshUng: Even if you don't want to root, you should definitely switch from the stock browser to Dolphin. It is a far superior browser. Faster and many more features. Pretty much superior in every way.
@my name is jonas: So I just read the Anandtech review you mentioned, particularly the part about the screen. And from the comparisons it gives regarding the screen, it seems to do slightly better than the Evo in most aspects. Since I own an Evo, and am not in any way disappointed in the quality of its display, I am…
So I was pretty intrigued by the Paypal app. I might actually have a use for that, even though paying a friend via Paypal is kind of annoying because they charge you a fee (something like $5 or something, approx what an ATM would charge) and you have to wait a few days for it all to process and transfer into an actual…
@Platypus Man: It's actually pretty surprising just how many different types of power plants work in exactly the same (general) way. As you put it, a glorified steam engine. They just use different types of fuel to boil water, which in turn spins a turbine.
@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: According to this report, [www.msnbc.msn.com]