Ha ha! Cracked on Gizmodo! Two of my absolute favorite time-wasting sites. Good show, good show!
Ha ha! Cracked on Gizmodo! Two of my absolute favorite time-wasting sites. Good show, good show!
@NixNada: Hahaha, I love that explanation. I think you actually nailed it!
@zelannii: This is all very useful information. When I switched to Sprint for my Evo a couple of months ago, I knew that their 'unlimited data' was surely not really unlimited, but I couldn't find any hard numbers in the brochure / contract. I'm a bit of a data hog, so I try to stay aware of my caps. Thanks for the…
So, I haven't read it since I was a child, but is The Hobbit story comprised solely of one hobbit, and everyone else are dwarves?
Is it just me, or does that 'jetty' extend more than 2/3 of the way across that lake? That's more bridge than dock.
@mrsilver: Well, perhaps it was the opposite. Perhaps the high refresh frequency caused the device to not go 'dormant', and instead keep the connection open. If everyone running this app maintained an open connection for the entire duration that the app was running, it might have caused too many connections in…
@tmbg47: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature.
@Sean Meyers: Ha ha I don't think hooves count as beef. I think the term beef implies 'meat'. By the same token, though, I can't help but think that lips, tongue, eyes, etc WOULD be considered beef.
I'm kind of disappointed. There are some iPhone-only cooking apps that I would really like to try out... Some one should tell their developers that there is a huge Android market that also likes to cook!
Oops guys!
@JimboLodisC: Wow, your Evo has only 47MB free? I've got 253MB free on mine. I have a decent number of apps installed, too. Not a ton, and only a couple of games, but still I've got a ton of space available. And that's including the stupid pre-installed apps that I'd have to root to remove. Still though, as much of…
@qbrad: Well, since it's being released by Sprint, it had BETTER have a WiMax receiver. Although to be honest, I don't use my Evo's 4G (aka WiMax) as often as I thought I would.
@rjp is protected: Only the top chart is growth. The bottom two charts of for actual profit share and market share. Those are the 'absolutes' (relative to the entire market, of course - but not relative to their previous performance).
@Curves: As these people have mentioned, 'parking' them every night would incur additional wear and tear on the rotors. But more importantly, wind power generation runs inverse to typical power grid load periods, due to typical weather behavior. In other words, wind tends to kick up more in the night time hours then…
@showbiz2: I'm Cereal!
@CubemonkeyNYC: A high specific heat means that it can absorb a lot of heat energy before its temperature rises. And with a large temperature differential, the heat energy is drawn away quickly. The same principle applies to the liquid above the liquid that is touching the components. So it would draw the heat away…
@ryssyr: Yeah Burger King has totally sold chicken nuggets in all sorts of shapes as well. I distinctly remember stars. And I also distinctly remember that they never seemed fresh and were always cold and nasty.
@Nigra: Exactly. Bluing is forbidden at that intersection. It's a designated Blue-Free Zone.
I hate to be the obnoxious stickler, but it's technically 'Venture Bros.' not 'Venture Brothers'.
@GitEm$teveDave: It's the classic Roomba spiral in the middle that really brings the whole piece together.