RDB0924 Really Prefers Disqus!

Root is truly an amazing actor. It’s no surprise he’s in everything; what show wouldn’t use him, if they could?

Exactly what I thought.  

I don’t think *she* would have gone anywhere.  Didn’t Jimmy move in with Kim, into the apartment she already had?

I’m pretty sure the spelling is SCHULER.  Only one L.

You’re not wrong!  I’d frankly forgotten about her (though I did vaguely wonder about Connie).

Right? I know Senora didn’t speak English, but all he had to do was show her the “dead battery” icon on the phone. Use your words, Mike. Or your pictures.

Magna’s usually poufy hair was riding much lower, having been matted with blood (presumably not her own).  Her face was bloody, too.  They half-assed it, but an attempt was made.

I couldn’t agree more with you, aplus1. This show has my full attention, with one exception - and that’s the character of Glory Maitland. I can’t stand her. I don’t think a recently widowed woman has to spend all of her time in tearful mourning, and I also think anger at the way things played out for Terry is more

“Nobody needs to be sold on the premise, ‘Will Ferrell = funny’ at this point”

“he never took his cool-guy rings off, even when playing regular Joes”

“Oh, and then there’s Baby Faye And Her Newsboys, a one-joke joke that never finds a second. Vaudevillians too old to still be doing Our Gang/Shirley Temple-style shtick in their mid-40s?... The only laugh was from Aidy—as Baby Faye’s still-domineering stage matron...”

I saw it as a statement on what Lori’s life had truly become before she ended it. Not addressing the immediate aftermath essentially confirmed that she had nothing and no one. Terribly sad.

It doesn’t matter what anyone was wearing. SHE SAID NO AND HE DIDN’T STOP. That’s what matters.

“Danielle Brooks is still, as with last season, not getting nearly enough to do, but she’s nailing every bit of it.”

Same here. He’s not a classically handsome man, but talent is hot.

Hell, yes.

That was a wonderful line, and the actor who said it nailed it. Wow.

As Seabreeze and Soverybored (literally!) said, CC is your friend. I would struggle without it, but with it...this show is just friggin’ majestic. Jared Harris and Paul Ready (Dr. Goodsir) need Emmys now, please and thank you.

Oh, yeah. Jared Harris is *killing* it. He has to be nominated.

Sadly, BCS is months away, I hear.