RDB0924 Really Prefers Disqus!


Te fact that youre still too fucking stupid to grasp this is mind-boggling.

Alright I’m going to say it for everybody out there, it’s okay to be on the left and it’s okay to be on the right and it’s okay to disagree.
Just don’t be assholes to each others (verbally or physically).

It’s also okay to not fully agree with everything your side says or do, and it’s okay to agree with some of the

We’re just innocent bystanders. Univision (back when it was still named Univision) buying a majority share in Onion, Inc. was the beginning of a long, slow slide into mediocrity. Univision bought up The Onion sites and the Gawker sites thinking they’d use them to make content for their short-lived English language

Martin is Ride or Die!

Eric Roberts is the exact right flavor of crazy for this show. Between him and Goodman, you’re really never sure what either is going to do next. THERE WILL BE BLOOD.

Goodman’s just crushing it.  What a career.

Do you guys have an editor? 3-4 easily noticeable and correctable grammar mistakes in a relatively short piece.

I loved “Pineapple’s” wig. Great job to the wig wrangler.

It is pretty messed up to see Carey’s Biden impression driven more by how Biden has been portrayed by the Trump campaign than by observations drawn from objective reality.

Well, its not “Better Call Wynn” like we all wanted, but I’ll take it.

Sorry-not-sorry, I stopped reading after your first paragraph where you explain that, unlike other dumbass boob-tubers, you have precious little time and much more discerning tastes.

The whole “I’m too important” and must pick my “shows” with care attitude really makes care about nothing you say. I’m too buy on my yacht spending time with all my charities, while picking apples with my adopted family, while curing cancer to really get into what you were trying to say.

also you can’t be that busy, if

Re: Claude’s blabbing about the plan -

That’s almost half!

Putting ketchup on your turkey is far more embarrassing than ripping a fart during Thanksgiving dinner.

I got the Gypsy reference.

I got that along with the aforementioned Baby Jane reference with the middle-aged woman still dressing as a child. It did remind me of the type of sketch you’d see on the Carol Burnett Show back in the 70s (which would’ve been a firing offense during the early years of SNL).

I can see Aidy channeling Ethel Merman.

Now playing

Not just the premise: as far I can tell the music is identical, with different lyrics.