
indeed ! 24hr 7day NASCAR wall to wall.

I understand, but back in the 70's the NASCAR moniker (in my memory) was less prevalent and we used to just refer to it as Stock Cars before NASCAR becoming the defacto name. NASCAR in the 80's 90's was the business that started to saturate all markets, hell I even had NASCAR themed checks! You remember that Tide, M&M

One could argue that the result of this movie was Talladega Nights which was a good thing.

Yes, car site. But I just can’t get past Ronnie’s outfit. So much going on. Are those jodhpurs or just khakis stuffed into the boots, which would be more in keeping with the rest of the outfit? Was he just riding a horse (as he was known to do)? Why is the cap at a jaunty angle?

So glad I didn’t have to be the one to say it this time!

I got away with a good lease experience over 2020-2021 - but it was on a Jeep which is on the “good” list of vehicles to lease. Once I bought out the lease I was able to sell the Jeep for enough to make a great down payment on the next car.  

On the macro economic level, it is not great that people aren’t leasing.  On a personal finance level, these articles are right--leasing is typically a poor financial decision.  With the rise in leasing costs it has only gotten worse.

You start with a zero - at least you do when you immigrate to the US. You have to play games like get a sears card and buy something and then pay it off in a few months or open a secured credit card account, then after a few months try and get a low limit / high interest card.

Almost all marinas have shore power at 30/120 for slow charging, just like an RV park. 50/240 service is also semi-common. The power infrastructure is there. I mean, whats harder to power, an EV or a 75 meter yacht’s hotel loads?

I’m pretty sure you can’t get the 392 in the 2 door Wrangler either, so seems like both limit their premium offering to 4 door only. 

Came to say the same thing.

The Land Cruiser is 1. Boring to drive (slow, handles poorly) 2. Incredibly inefficient 3. Expensive to fix 4. Not that great off-road due to size 5. But incredibly comfortable and reliable powertrain/drivetrain-wise.

You live in one of the happy lands where they didn’t discontinue the manual? I’ve a 2015 with the 1.4T FIRE and a stick. It’s spritely when pushed but a total dog off boost.

To add:

Throw in the usual battery degradation after the first couple of years and this actually becomes a golf cart with a nice interior.

I’d love this when I’m backing my car out of the garage to get it out of the way of something I’m working on, or when I move it from the driveway to the garage, or when I’m moving it to get another car out, or doing one of the million other things that don’t really require a seat belt.

Shit, you could get a VGT on a Dodge in 1989...

The 318 is to this day the worst car I’ve ever driven. It’s not just slow, it’s absurdly slow. It’s dangerously slow. It is literally on par with the Cadillac Cimarron as worst execution of an entry level car by a high end marque. Coupled with the most painful exhaust note in the history of combustion, the seats are

Nothing. You’re driving, it needs attention and focus.

Counterpoint — horizontal speedometers and wide split-bench seats are two things that should never have been pushed out of style by cookie-cutter cars like the Accord.