
Joule thief!

Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:

Hanging around like a bad case of Jaklitsch, you might say?

Unfortunate that she was standing so close, but of course hindsight is 20.

There’s no way this story is true. Chris Dudley couldn’t defend shit. 

Now playing

This Rod Allen, involved a physical altercation? NEVER! (God Bless Yakety Sax)

So this site is in fact dead set on becoming the progressive version of Fox News, huh? Or at least treating its readers like they’re as incapable of dealing with truthful information as Fox viewers are? Anyone or anything that doesn’t validate the outrage is itsself outrageous...

That face!! That fur! He’s so handsome!

TBF, it’s hard to maintain a solid marriage with someone named Beth1027.

You misspelled “worst.”

Muphry’s [sic] law strikes again!

Um, I had multiple six packs during my wife’s pregnancy, so I’m not sure what the big deal is.

One of these days I want a hit batter to just calmly take his base, let the situation cool down, and then blindside rush the pitcher from the first base.

If I saw that goddamned bear looking through my door I’d be making brownies too.

Here’s a great rule of thumb to live by online - if a service is free, you aren’t the customer, you are the product. Only use free services if you are fine with that service selling everything it knows about you to anyone willing to pay them.

While the two lies are different. the does my butt look big in these pants is not really a lie if she is 120lbs and she may have a mistaken idea that she looks fat and you are reassuring her that she does not vs the 240lbs woman wearing spandex who absolutely has no business wearing that for everyone’s sake. As

As a displaced resident of Adrianople, I approve of this message.

I really appreciate the response. Just as a counterpoint, I do wonder if a world with fewer lies would engender behavior of asking fewer questions you don’t want the answer to.

Clicked thinking I would have some kind of properly witty comment-meme but by the end of the article what’s left of my faith in humanity escaped through an unlocked door and now I have nothing left except confusion as to what I’m doing here.