
Darn. I noticed the same thing but decided it was inconsequential. So I guess you get to be the smug, self-satisfied pedant today and I don’t.
No, wait - you gave me a chance to redeem myself! So here goes: If you knew anything about linguistics, you’d know that once the tide of the “general populace” has turned toward

Well said. This (kind of) parallels my experience as a travel baseball coach: our team is drawn by open tryout from a reasonably well-to-do suburban county. In the past few years, we’ve seen more and more teams entering our tournaments that boast a rotating roster of players recruited from a dozen states - and even

I learned many years ago that the best response to a rage-worthy encounter is to laugh heartily and conspicuously at the perpetrator. I’ve found it infuriates the other party more than the smallest number of fingers can, and who wouldn’t rather have that satisfaction than a twisted gut and elevated blood pressure?

I’d be afraid of the windshield wipers.

Rappaport was in one really good movie, “Cop Land.” He played a really important character. A really important character with very little screen time and almost no lines. So yeah, he was good.

My 11-year-old golden puppy, Hudson. World’s best boi.

I once had lunch with the mother of one of my then-three-year-old son’s friends at McDonald’s while our kids ran around the PlayPlace. And let me tell you, it was HOT. It was all I could do to keep my chicken-nugget-and-baby-wipe-scented hands off her.

I’m with you. Something like, “Yes, honey, your butt does look big in those...but I like big butts!” Or, in my house, “Yes, honey, your butt does look big in those...I’ll pack my things.”

Hi, Dennis Miller! Long time no see.

I suspect so. I also suspect we’ll never know.

Respectfully, I don’t think it’s a simple enough area of social behavior that we can summarily declare all lies out of bounds. Now, I’m not in any way equating the Trumpian m.o. with the “No, honey, of course your butt doesn’t look big in that!” fib, but those are close to the endpoints on a very broad spectrum, and

Thank for this. I went through putting down our ten-year-old golden retriever twelve years ago (hemangiosarcoma). Lying on a cold exam room floor face to face with him, watching a part of our family fade away, and then having to walk out the door and leave him there, was the second worst thing I’ve ever been through,

So your post leaves me wondering: do you think this is normal?

So, tonight will be the darkest night of the past 506 years? Or 506 years and one day (or night)? Or the darkest night of the past 6 years? Or maybe just the darkest night of today.

I’m hoping - only hoping - that the Republican Congress will realize quickly what many of us have long seen: that Trump is in fact not a Republican at all, but a Trumpian. He will only further the Republican agenda so long as it matches his own. We could then be shielded to some degree from Trump’s whims by a Congress

But don’t you think the defense of “It was combat!” is still a little unsettling? His justification is that even though his superiors deemed the information too sensitive for our allies’ eyes, his judgment was better and he passed it on anyway. Not how things work, and not a very comforting peek into the psyche of our

That was a better parallel parking job than I can manage on dry city streets.

An attorney friend once told me, “People don’t remember the first person who invented something big. They remember the LAST person who invented it.”

What a shameless solicitation. Beg all you want, I’m NOT giving you any gift cards.