Title Nein
Title Nein
Wow really surprised of all people to take responsibility it would be the folks at Shirk Photography.
If they get any sense ... that you’re not worth the effort, they’ll likely disengage.
Eric Trump also tweeted a photo of his father from last nights rally.
Pedroso came back to their hotel room and found Oliveira there with another Olympic hard body, canoeist Pedro Goncalves.
I pull this all the time as a Canadian in the States. Not just with pronunciations, either. Any time I’m wrong, I’ll just say “oh, but that’s how we do it in Canada”
If there’s one thing Irsay can handle, it’s a bunch of downers.
The truly American thing would be to charge for ketchup but give your richer customers loopholes to pay much less for it.
Ronda was all out of bubblegum
All of you are going to make a comment about Theismann breaking his leg, but unlike you, I’m going to take the high road and say that Theismann is a fucking idiot.
Don’t laugh at the stock photo of that child. My own daughter was recently diagnosed with shutterstock. She has watermarks all over her face and body, and she refuses to go outdoors.
I had a friend who had a daughter that still believed in Santa at age 14. She knocked herself out every year to continue the lie. I was extremely weirded put by the whole thing. As an aside, she was also one of those 40 year olds who said her best friend was her pre-teen daughter. Never trust that type.
Things got better for Oher after practice, when Sandra Bullock picked him up as he was walking home and took him back to her place, where she fed him supper and let him sleep in her guest bedroom, which has air-conditioning.
Ugh, Columbia. What a bunch of Cocks.
What is with Lifehacker and the f-word? Yes, I know there are people who use it gratuitously and do not care - but there are lots of people who do care, and I would think articles could be written in a way that they could be shared freely. I can't share posts like this with coworkers, and that makes me sad. It also…