Okay, sure. Snow tires. But even if you have studded tires with chains on them, the best approach is to drive like you’re on four racing slicks. It will prevent you from doing things that will get you into trouble.
Okay, sure. Snow tires. But even if you have studded tires with chains on them, the best approach is to drive like you’re on four racing slicks. It will prevent you from doing things that will get you into trouble.
Holy crap. I’m a long-time Cardinals fan, and while this doesn’t make me ashamed to be one, I am deeply, deeply ashamed that these people call themselves fans of my team. I’m not happy about Heyward leaving either, but the fact is he wanted to go to the Cubs - enough that he probably settled for less money to do so.…
Easy - he reads the label.
Well that’s it then. From now on, I’m only going to let my dog chew sugared gum.
The Nats got what they deserved: they replaced one of the league’s quantifiably best young closers - and a focused, hard-working, all-around good guy - with an aging, raging idiot who’d rather throw at opponents’ faces than do his job and close out the game.
I’d guess Volkswagen could also face potent lawsuits from their 600+ U.S. dealers - in addition to losing the 100 or so potential dealers they were hoping to add over the next three years.
Vera Farmiga is enough woman for ANY movie.
I’m pretty sure they got the title from the number one answer to “Things that Would Be More Enjoyable than This Movie.”
Just wait ‘til you’re pushing sixty. Then you’ll know why.
For what it’s worth for those of you who work in the service industries: in the endless years I was in restaurant management, my standard speech to any staffer upset by a nightmare customer was: the way they’re treating you proves that they’re an utterly miserable human being, right? So take some satisfaction in the…
Really? You didn’t like “A.I.”? Which part didn’t you like - the climax? The denouement? The second climax? The second denouement? The third? The fourth?...
You’re stronger than I am; I was all in on the scam even while I hated myself for it.
Well said. I completely agree.
I’m the father of two boys; the older is about to leave for college, and neither one has turned out to be an axe murderer (so far). And I absolutely agree with you - with one condition: parents should be judicious and responsive to the right time to expose their kids to the harsher aspects of life. I don’t see an…
Lawyerly logic is always good for a chuckle: How can Mayor White say his signature on the bankruptcy filing is forged? Look, right there - his signature is clearly on the bankruptcy filing!
You’re absolutely correct that the majority of the world hates the U.S. I read it in a North Korean newspaper.
At the risk of incurring the cyber-disinhibition-fueled wrath of the commenting community, I'd like to offer a few points for consideration.
Bartlett gets an F in economics - as well as in common sense, decency and, well, humanity: if we were to somehow switch, as we should, to a non-tip-based pay system for service personnel, does she believe that this issue would magically disappear? We would pay the servers' wages in higher menu prices. That's how…
Always wondered what kind of guns these aircraft toted.