
Here's what I've learned about grief and loss over more than fifty years:

There's an arrow in the middle of the video that looks a lot like the one on the dash. So there's a gas tank on the right side of my monitor?

You say this phenomenon effects "smart people." Yet it sounds like business as usual for Congress.

It's most commonly spelled either "St. Louis" or "Go Cards!"

I've read that the carriers refurbish them and sell them in third-world markets where consumers are more than happy to pay for a two- or three-generation-old smartphone.

Damn you, Mozart61! You beat me to it. I can still revel in the irony, though.

Best wishes and endless thanks, Adam. Ya done good.

And please, for the love of God, don't use descriptions like "a sprightly nose with a pert insouciance on the palate." You may think it makes you sound like a wine expert; wine experts think it makes you sound like a dick. (Visit Napa Valley. Really. Go. The wine experts there are self-described farmers. They're

Many people just don't realize that most of the technologies we take for granted in our daily lives we enjoy because of research in aerial ethnic food delivery systems just like this. (Come to think of it, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if this project were funded by U.S. tax dollars.)

Thank you, @lastofakindftw. This has been my (pretty intensively researched) position for years. Not that global warming - I'm sorry, climate change - is a myth, but that it's irresponsibly arrogant of humankind to draw the conclusion based on, really, just a hundred years or so worth of data, that even though that

With all respect, while I wholeheartedly agree with you that the government needs to stop living beyond its (i.e., our) means, I can't agree that simply voting in different people is any kind of solution. The system is woefully broken, and no number of well-meaning junior legislators can possibly wield the massive

Sure. You can stay and take your chances; first chance I get, I am out of here.

Absolutely agreed, @bsn117. But I think Dr. Tyson is overlooking an important consideration here: Theron's character is a corporate executive; so her cluelessness is likely not only intentional, but completely credible.

"That includes pets and children." Excellent line. I'm going to share it with my sons, Son 1 and Son 2.

This is about as rational a commentary as one of our southern hemisphere brethren expressing offense at Flickr's snowflakes because Christmas falls in the summer for them. I know it's a holiday week, Giz, but sheesh - is worthwhile news and opinion really that hard to come by?

I'm just a marginally savvy Android end-user, but this gravely concerns me (and I think it should you) not because Carrier IQ might use my private data to nefarious ends, but because they air that data unencrypted, so some other entity might find a way to do exactly that.

Could someone please do this with those damned Ed Hardy-style t-shirts? They wouldn't even need to bother with a hidden message; just turning them into plain t-shirts would make them cooler than the originals.

The Monks of New Skete ("The Art of Raising a Puppy") believe that dressing up a dog is truly demeaning, damaging even, to their "dogness," their essence, their psyche. These photos are proof. Sad, sad proof.

To paraphrase a famous T-shirt, I'll be a pescetarian when bacon swims in the ocean.