Bob Chris drives a CX-5

“Okay, let’s be honest, the truth is probably somewhere in between the rumored extremes.”

and this one...


Only if you push it the last 150,000 miles.

I hope she stands near a mustang at the next cars and coffee.

Are you kidding me with this woman? Fuck people like this. That is absolutely unacceptable not only as a parent, but as a decent human being. I hope she stands near a mustang at the next cars and coffee.

I happen to like their shirts.

If you wear clothing with Ferrari logos, and you do not in fact, have a Ferrari, you sir or madam, are what we call an Asshat.

Notice the vehicles pulling into the parking lot had to maneuver around the Buick because of his poor exit angle? I’m guessing the kid’s either a moron, or possibly high. Either way, shouldn’t be driving. Horrible.

Ahh so that’s why the video credits identify him as “Hoverboarder No. 8"

Sanderson probably already has his own drafts ready to go.

Hey, I finally found something that induces ASMR in me!

I’m pretty sure I’m watching the Titanic sink every morning I come into the office, so really, this is perfect for Monday.

If you want to see what real blackhead problems look like - check out drpimplepopper on youtube - first - not for the faint of heart. Second - the ad revenue she gets for posting the vids allow her to perform the procedures for free on those people - so it’s a win-win. ‘Leave stuff alone’ is ‘generally’ good advice -

That’s not what “narc” means.

I guess you could say they are not “friends” amirite

“Gray hay hackers”?

Worse—23 times in the 4 months I had it, actually.

I’ll second the Mazda3 answer, much cheaper used and much more fun.

The Dodge is a decent car, at this price it is more meant for someone looking at 15k used cars and decides they can get something new instead.