Bob Chris drives a CX-5

Costco stopped using Hebrew National hot dogs at the food court several years ago and uses Kirkland-brand 100% all-beef (but not Kosher) hot dogs. I still think they are pretty good, and at a buck-fifty for a dog and a soda? Such a deal.

I swear to Christ, the next mother fucker to call this a Marvel movie...

Sony. It’s Sony, they own the film rights to a reported 900+ characters connected to/associated with Spider-Man. That “In Association With Marvel” tag they put on them is a legal obligation, no one from Marvel had anything to with this pile or any

It doesn’t protect shit. NAFTA negates the Chicken Tax.

The UAW is one of the most corrupt unions in the western world.

Sadly this comment didn’t age well.

Oh yeah. None of this did, lol. Trump was a total shitshow and I was totally wrong about everything, so I didn’t repeat that mistake in 2020 and voted him out along with half of the country.

Rural AM radio? Yes, many things. Mostly the fact that it’s a bunch of ill-informed, angry, right-wing loons spouting conspiracy theories and other dangerous garbage.

Can confirm, living in the suburbs rules. Living in the city sucks and living in the boonies also sucks. A 15 minute drive to downtown is nowhere near as traumatic an experience people make it out to be.

It seems like common sense to not have to say this, but here goes anyway:

Every single person that had something to say about the original design needs to get their ass to a theater and see the movie. I can’t think of another time where a movie studio immediately listened to the audience and backtracked this publicly

He complains that fires happen in California because we don’t rake the forests. -_- he’s a petty idiot and a colossal ass, of course he would withhold money from a state that didn’t vote for him.

The article was over when that thought entered someone's mind. The rest was diarrhea

I stopped reading at “Waiting is the point of pizza”. I assume the article was effectively over at that point?

No, this is the wrong take. It sounds like someone has developed Bad Pizza Stockholm Syndrome.  

Pizza PREP might take time, but the actually cooking of the pizza itself should be quick.  A proper pizza should be cooked VERY hot, and VERY quickly.  

I think you’ve completely misunderstood. The point of all these wood pizza ovens is not “instant pizza”. Its that real Neopolitan Pizza and its close derivatives are cooked in commercial wood fired ovens at very high temperatures. And tend to take less than five minutes, and as short as 90 seconds to cook.

Same here. Have had the family plan since it was available and really do not like YT music. I’m also curious how this is going to work with Android Auto, as YT is not available on my car screen.

Dude. Dark mode is optional. Regardless of her stance on it, daylight savings is enforced, therefore there is some merit in discussing pros and cons. That’s a valid opinion piece topic.

Andrew this is a really bad opinion.

Soundtracks, concert recordings and all kinds of other music I bought over the years and years.

One thing I loved the most is their “radio” stations because they were the best for discovering new music. For example, I love stoner rock so I would start a “station” from The Sword; it was always different and I would always discover great artists. Not the same experience with other platforms.