Bob Chris drives a CX-5

I live in the Phoenix area - our backyard was a hellscape of old brickwork and dirt from the previous owners. We spent about $7k to have it redone with new rock and 840sqft of premium turf with curbing. And it was pretty much the best decision to improve our house that we’ve made.

Sadly this comment didn’t age well.

Funny you should mention OxyClean - you can use OxyClean Free (no dyes or scents) in the same way as Cafiza. While it doesn’t suds up in the same way, the main ingredient is the same, it is just as good at stripping off coffee oils, and is way cheaper than Cafiza.

All I want to do is play BioShock Infinite one time. I’ve owned it for years on steam but I’ve not had or wanted to invest in even a low end gaming PC. Being able to play this via Geforce now would have been perfect till the games devs got greedy.

Only Trump supporters would eat Cadbury Creme eggs

The golden rule I've always heard is a buck a drink tip.  I'm a standard 20% tipper on food and service, but if I were to splurge on something like the OP there isn't a chance in hell I'm going to tip $50 on it and I find the idea ludicrous in the extreme.  $10 would be more than sufficient 

If you think for a second that somehow using a chromecast with kids is an acceptable replacement for having this on FireTV - No.  Just no.  Both these companies need to figure it the hell out.  I use Firetv.  I don’t want to buy a Roku and have to switch inputs just to access Disney+

Congrats on writing the most pure-bullshit article I've read on Giz in quite a while.  I've preferred "Dark mode" since it was part of Ars-Technica 20 years ago.  And I have an astigmatism too, and have found a dark screen easier on my eyes for literal decades.  

Fuck, before the internet what else was there???


The original Godzilla design is the one that sucked.

This makes a lot more sense now.  

All Koenigsegg is doing is showing that they have no idea how auctions work.  That isn't an "appraisal" in the general sense of the word - it is an "auction estimate".  Regardless of the goods these are almost always laughably low.  Look at fine watch auctions - you can routinely find "auction estimates" that are

Because the IT admin should have had off-site backups and network isolation so that when some random dipshit user does a boneheaded thing like this it doesn't take out everything 

Did you even read the article before commenting? What does VPN have to do with MS shutting down DRM servers for ebooks?

Just went to Ikea this week - the $6.99 ones are still “Made in Japan” but the cheaper $3.99 brown ones are now “Made in China”. I bought 2 packs of AA and 2 of AAA of the “Laddeneloop Pros”

He's a doctor, not Logan Paul

Personally I'm Waymo excited about what Google is doing.  Self driving cars are the future.  

Mayo - at least commercially produced mayo - can be stored at room temperature. It’s not the cause of food poisoning from being left out in a salad.  I saw you mention Alton below - he goes over this in his episode on making mayo - it’s actually better to leave it on the counter for several hours than to refrigerate

Will you be driving your Camaro?