Brawn inherited all of Honda’s development to that point and was given the team for $1? Sure he rounded up a budget of $100M and managed to pull in Mercedes power, but there were 100's of millions more behind that purchase. Also let’s not forget that Brawn found the double diffuser loophole that year and milked that…
With Indy running spec chassis and engines what would Ferrari do? I suppose they could build an engine but if they miss the mark then they’re also rans and a joke. Unless Indy will change the rules to allow them to design/build a chassis (unlikely) then the car they will run would be a Dallara. I know this isn’t…
Huh, this must make my 2007 SLK350 w/ 6MT and less than 50K miles quite the catch then...
It’s been said but if you pay full retail for Sony WH1000XM3's you don’t know how to internet and I would question why your writing for this blog.
It’s been said but if you pay full retail for Sony WH1000XM3's you don’t know how to internet and I would question…
My Parents drove it up from the Bahamas...
I own the ‘real deal’ SLK350 and the only reason I would buy the Crossfire is that it doesn’t have Mercedes COMMAND stereo. I’m sure it was amazing back in 2007 but it sucks today. Sadly it’s also so complex and difficult to replace it’s not cost effective to do so. For some effed up reason MB used fiber optics from…
Jalopnik is everywhere.
Please with the way Governor Barbie is notdoingshit right now we won’t need outsiders to help spread the COVID, Iowans “doing the right thing” are spreading it just fiiiiine.
If Starsky only had a little Hutch I’m sure they would have made it work.
This is the whole DMCA in a nutshell, it’s a super gray area that is controlled not by logic but lobbyists. Yeah the farmer ‘owns’ the tractor but the DMCA says that Deere ‘owns’ the software, it’s a gross Catch-22 that needs to be struck down but nobody in a position to do so will.
Eh whatevs, it was a Grand Wagoneer, names aside the story is still true Mr. Pedantic.
In my lifetime (1975) the 911 Turbo output has only increased 2.4 times.
I went to college at University of Wyoming in Laramie, I was from Des Moines, Iowa. My car at the time was a 70's era Jeep Grand Cherokee w/ a 3spd and no cruise. It had a top end of about 65mph. There is nothing more boring than the entirety of Nebraska at 60-effing-5mph.
Flushing coolant as prescribed by the manufacturer and having coolant in your car because you need to top up enough to justify having a gallon in your car are two completely separate things. One is preventative maintenance, the other is maintenance your doing to prevent failure.
Weird I solved this issue by driving a modern car that hasn’t had the need for me to add coolant to it in years. I seriously can’t remember the last time I needed to worry about a car over heating due to coolant loss. Now when I drove shitboxes in highschool this was an issue, but that was a loooong time ago.
Passenger front door handle aligned with parked car’s drivers door handle, crank the wheel, back in until you can’t go any further. Crank wheel other way and creep forward. Perfect every time.
In F1 as long as your the first and can exploit it better, faster, that’s all that matters. By the time the other teams had copied and got the DD working Brawn had enough of a lead it didn’t matter. Yeah the second half of the season was tight but they still managed a 47% win ratio.
“Mercedes has accomplished the coolest possible thing you can in motorsport: forcing a sanctioning body to outlaw a cool technology you created because you found a loophole in their regulations.”