Ross Conklin

It’s a sailboat.

Here’s hoping it gets replaced with a pure Daughters of the Dragon series (not holding my breath) 

The facial expressions are so stiff, you’d think Mitch McConnell did the capture.

I don’t care how it sounds, to be frank. I see things on this site every day you wouldn’t imagine. So excuse me for wanting to get out ahead of the people who don’t elevate the comment section but vomit their hate because they feel they “can.”

“Don’t like it don’t play it isn’t a good answer though. That’s being an asshole to your customer.”

Misogynistic assholes don’t deserve to be treated with respect. Tolerating intolerance kills tolerance.

Yeah.... anybody that opens with telling me it is not a scam is definitely running a scam.

Misreading is often a function of poor initial communication.

If your issue is with the Gamergate knuckle-draggers who are forever howling about “muh vidya games,” then there are a multitude of reasons that you should’ve disassociated with them well before now. Their misogyny, willingness to get women in the industry

Sure we can! We do it all the time! By your logic, we shouldn’t ever have stopped marrying girls off before they reached puberty, or given women the right to own property, or any number of other things which are now the cultural default but were once considered wildly transgressive.

Seeing the stats of all these other classes has me regretting my choice to roll human. Would have loved the ability to re-roll into something more interesting like a dolphin once I hit max level, but I stupidly chose “Power User of the Internet” over “Reincarnation through Religion” for my final skill slot.

like this comment if you want to see a Kotaku Dot Com Chop Championship Tournament streamed live on YouTube next week

This is the first Amiibo I will buy in my life. Maybe the only. Hope I can use it to make characters Praise the Sun in other games. Like Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild. xD

I want this worse than I’m comfortable with. :/

If you want the good shit, find the Sea Treaders.

Someone check on Jeff Bezos

It’s the Standard Democratic Strategy: snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

Hot take - some of us disagree with the philosophy of the game’s economy but still want to enjoy the solid Star Wars experience that it seems to deliver (based on many reviews). Those of us rely on ‘update’ articles like this to help determine when we might want to invest in this debacle.

Ahem. [puts on nerd hat] The first Thor film opens with Odin winning the war with the Frost Giants in 965 AD. Later in the film, it’s shown that he adopted Laufey’s son, Loki, right after this battle, meaning Loki was a baby in 965 AD. According to the flashback also in the first film, Thor and Loki grew up together
