Ross Conklin

I went into my google ad settings and changed my gender from male to “prefer not to say” It didn’t solve the problem but I saw a reduction of Nazi video recommendations. More specifically I saw a reduction of pragur U ads and the like before videos. But I think it changed my algorithm results a little too. With the

Correct but unlike corporations, unions are (Typically) democratic institutions. Get involved, organize members, vote people out. It may be hard or next to impossible to fight entrenched union leadership, but you have a better shot of voting your union rep out than voting your CEO out.  

I think part of the problem is that we frame science in general as a belief. We ask people if they believe in evolution or if they believe in climate change. This along with the constant appeal to authority instead of understanding (99% of climate scientists “believe” in climate change) means we aren’t framing the

My favorite was [LEGIT NO SCAM] in the tag, no red flags there. ROFL

have you tried nutritional yeast?... terrible name but amazing on popcorn!

After playing DnD with his kids a friend of mine began implementing dice rolls into their parenting system, just briefly as a joke. Basically if the kid was in trouble or wanted to go out for ice cream or something they would do a check and their dad would tell them if it was a success. Nothing like rolling for to get

Yeah I would say the poll was dumb, and the guy they fired deserved it. However there is more to adding customization than the shadow... not a lot, but some (Menu UI to select gender, potentially new animation sets, Voice acting (minimal for this game), etc..)

I spent a month forcing myself to play my 5 least played heroes. (on QP, I don’t play comp). it was surprisingly fun once I got over the whole being terrible thing. You spend each round focusing on improving one or two parts of your play. This round I am going to get better at mobility with mercy... or this round I am

Hooking a cloaked Sombra by accident is a close second in my book.

yeah I agree, many of us want these updates so we can make informed decisions without reading through patch notes. I own the game and uninstalled it after a 4 hour game session netted me not even one trooper crate’s worth of credits. Not worth my time. It is a fun game but wasn’t worth the grind (for me), even with

I played for 4 hours the other night, doing relatively well in matches (MVP in a few, often getting enough battle points for a high tier hero). And still only earned 3,600 Credits (i.e. not enough for a trooper crate). The only people who have “already unlocked most heroes and progress” are people without jobs,

My point was more, your aggravation is not a justification for vigilante death penalty. The don’t be an asshole rule applies equally to bikers and drivers. Of which they both flagrantly ignore traffic ordinance.

yes, sorry, late night, and I thought I was replying to the original poster.

my point was the callous nature in which you suggested killing people is backwards and unsettling. being an asshole should not be a death sentence.

Translation: I am annoyed/slightly late therefore cyclists deserve to be literally dead.

Do not use the Bike Lane as a passing lane. Not only are you passing on the right, you are not supposed to be there anyway. I still don’t understand how anyone thinks this is okay. As a year round bike commuter I see this happening daily.

I don’t think we can assume next season is going to be a strict reboot. How much time did Rick spend in Galactic Prison? However, if a rebooted format is what we are in for, I think that plays nicely into the nihilist themes of the show. Revisiting the episodic format with a “going through the motions” defeated Rick