Ross Conklin


It was always a dead-end job.

He got out of his career as a seat-cushion tester? Good for him.

+1 Rx for Fukitol from Mike Keyster, M.D.

i just tested positive for isthatol.

Totally. She took money from people and then made the thing she said she was going to make with the money they were giving her. If that’s not some Bernie Madoff shit, I don’t know what is.

Embrace the dark side. Become the Roadhog you despise.

And the kid will be like “Uh, mom, there’s no combat in games any more. Teams work collaboratively by exchanging engrams to cleanse their birth trauma.”

Careful, though: in another thirty years or so she might get suckered into buying Old Glory Insurance.

You are missing out. Ghostbusters was really fun. It should have made more money. It was this summers Pacific Rim in that regard.

Looking at Bruce makes me want an Archer adventure game now.

Yeah, I like that. The base gets attacked while Fin still hasn’t fully recovered and isn’t really up to fighting (due to wounds from Episode 7), so Leia looks after him while they escape.

Still a little pissed / confised Leia wasn’t even carrying a light saber during TFA. You telling me she didn’t recieve ANY training from Luke?

What if the final scene of the entire series is Gendry, still rowing, looking around desperately for land?

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

Why is no one asking the huge question that is keeping me up at night - who is looking after Ser Pounce?

Well there’s little chance Vader will pursue them to that beach on the cover. He hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and just gets everywhere.

He only did the finishing shot! It would like Torbjorn hammering his fuckin turret the whole PotG long! :P

So it’s Artemis in VR? I can totally dig that!