
I’d like to be between the Rock’s hard place, if you know what I mean.

Can we stop calling people “performance artists” and just go back to calling them dickheads?

Not gonna lie—your description does not deter me at all. I’d still knock boots with him.


Oddly enough I’ve always been a practical compassionate left of center voter. I actually want a politician doing my politics, and I want one who is centrist enough to actually accomplish some of the Democratic platform goals like universal health care, equal rights and campaign finance reform. I’d also like the next

If “not liberal enough” is your reason to not vote for Hillary when the alternative is *actual fascism*, your liberalism is just narcissism

And there it is. It is no longer about Sanders, if it ever was. It's just about your precious unsustainable imaginary future and not the hard god damn work it's going to take to get there. Privilege plain and simple, what will it hurt if Trump gets elected? They won't feel any pain from his insanity.

Sorry but it’s the first thing I thought of.

going from midlife crisis’d, drunk bloat’d, coke sweat’d dad rock fading actor’d dipshit to a benevolent space dictator?

Yeah, I get the impression that I’m in a minority of a minority, because I don’t have a problem with animals being killed for food (we all die) - it’s the suffering that bothers me - especially when it’s an entire life of discomfort and pain.

Honestly, I don’t believe for a second they haven’t been fucking, unless they’re mutual beards. And yes, anal and BJs count.

As a Bucky stan I feel the need to point out this was actually the best scene in the movie:


a New York Jew with a copy of the Times tucked into her bag.

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

Unclear leader. Bitter convention battle. Failure to come together. Splintering party. Opportunities to fight the real threat are lost while infighting distracts. The other candidate pulls ahead.

I think they should start adding challenge to the dick pic. Maybe have it taken in a strange location. Maybe have your dick appear as a massive throbbing tower as it merges with your city’s skyline (nothing like a dick that dwarfs the Chrysler Building). Make the recipient take a moment to question how the dick pic

I send them to my wife as a joke when I’m lying in bed next to her and she’s reading on her phone.