
So I realllly want to ask if this reminds anyone of a certain recently released novel, but I can’t because it would totally spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read the book yet.

Me too! And if you watch a few episodes of something in a row you start to realize how similar all the designs are: neutrals (almost always light gray) with pop color pillows! an accent chair with chevron upholstery! trays with a bud vase on them! that one rug with the medallions! And of course, most terribly, the

best scene in the whole movie. HI BICEPS.

I’m sorry that you had to watch this movie, everything about it sounds nauseating.

AGREED. I feel like anyone that reads the book and comes away thinking “this book is about how Lolita is so hot and this poor guy can’t resist!” has some issues they need to work out, like, immediately.

That is so absurd...I seriously can’t think of even a minimally plausible rationale for a corset helping you lose weight or ‘burn fat.’

I once saw these things (not sure if it was this exact brand, but it was a waist trainer) on display at a SPORTING GOODS STORE. So infuriating.

“take cues from those around you” - exactly.

I WAS ALSO IN THAT CHOIR! Those uniforms were so, SO hideous.

not trying to derail the conversation, just can’t miss the opportunity to note that white dudes from western Brooklyn are in the process of ruining so many things.

I went in to a Forever 21 the other day for the first time in a while, and honestly was sort of jealous it wasn’t around when I was a teenager. Also, they had jeans for $8. I work in the apparel industry and I honestly don’t understand how this is possible. It costs like $3 just to get a pair of jeans from Asia into

So... as a woman, and a Harvard alum, and someone who had little to no involvement with any of these clubs while I was in school, I was not happy with the administration’s decision here. I don’t think the right answer is to start regulating students’ involvement in organizations that aren’t affiliated with the


yessss I just saw this video the other day and was TOTALLY DELIGHTED. can you imagine how fun it was to shoot this?

yessssssss a cappella pride FOREVER.

But Ralph is Jewish - is he appropriating WASP culture? Should we be irate about this?

I literally JUST opened a powerpoint presentation published by a coworker and it says ‘upmost’ on slide #2. what is happening!?!?

Agreed! I’m also finding the aggressive use of “symbolism” in this season to be exhausting. I am putting that word in quotes becauase I’m not sure you can call it symbolism once it gets this obvious - they literally have people HOLDING SCEPTERS in modern times, like in the middle of business meetings. I get it, it’s

ok good, I am not the only one who found this totally incoherent

YES THANK YOU. Someone I went to high school with posted something on fb today tagged #NEVERHILLARY and I wanted to reach through my phone screen and stab him in the throat. And that was BEFORE these quotes hit the news.