
I’m generally with you on this - is flying in coach uncomfortable? Yes. Will I complain the next time I fly? Probably. Would I rather take a boat or a train or a bus? Absolutely not.

Respect is non-negotiable; a person who makes you feel small or insecure is not worth your love.

I just finished the book, but haven’t seen the show. To be honest, I don’t think I’d *want* to watch the Wentworth prison scenes because I’m sure that they are excruciating and devastating. However, I don’t think that the incident is any way gratuitous in the narrative, for a few reasons. First of all, for most of the

I actually really loved the first part of Goldfinch, like through the end of the Las Vegas part. But the last third was just awful, like second rate action move my husband watches on Netflix awful.

Totally agree...I feel like women are subtly discouraged from caring, or admitting that they care, about appearances. Like any old dude can say “my dream girl is hot and loves all the bands I like” and people will not their heads, but if a woman is like “my dream guy has great abs and supports my career” everyone is

ugh me too....like wtf this mean:“Never ever find yourself on a Saturday morning standing in between this woman and the entrance to her neighborhood Drybar.” hahaha omg only shallow bitches get blow outs, i guess?

I have a theory that the VAST majority of drinking/smoking parties were boring. Generally ours were in someone’s basement, the alcohol was gross, and there was nothing to do except maybe scheme for ways to get more liquor.

just responding to tell you how much i love the “if he tunneled his way in.” totally stealing that.

my husband doesn’t think lambs or baby goats are cute, which is 100% the weirdest thing about him by far.

Store time! When I was little my family and I were on vacation on the Oregon coast and we saw a baby seal lying on the sand maybe about 30 feet from the water line. We figured it was in trouble and called the national park people and they said no it wasn’t in trouble, it was molting please stay away from it and stop

This seems questionable to me....renting your day to day (or weekend, or vacation) wardrobe would become extremely expensive and labor intensive very quickly. The reason it was such an elegant idea for evening wear is that the cost-per-wear for a gown is extremely high anyway, so it made sense to rent and save the

oh my god that DRESS. Totally would have gotten married in that dress, even though I wouldn’t have looked half that good.


Yeah seriously....why do we have to look SO HARD for things other women are doing wrong? It’s brightly colored dresses. some of them are cute, some of them are not. There’s a kind of tyranny in demanding that every outfit a woman wears have some sort of deep cultural significance - totally takes the joy out of wearing

I think there was one of 7 nights where we didn’t?

omg I am so curious about this too. Aren’t they bored? At what point do I need to knock and ask if everything is OK?

I just bought what are probably some objectively hideous Nikes - turquoise soles, purple patterned upper, turquoise ombre laces. They are spectacular and I absolutely love them.

I realize that it’s easy and fun to criticize institutions like Harvard for being elitist and evil. But I’m just here as a counter-example to the above: I went to Harvard. I am a legacy (2 of my 4 grandparents went to Harvard/Radcliffe), but those grandparents never gave a dime to the University because they didn’t

The best part about reading this is that now “Strawberry Wine” is stuck in my head.

Ugh this is so disappointing. Honestly why would a “feminist” website publish something so nasty & misogynistic?