
Seventh day adventist? Have fun living to 90 years old. HAHAHA joke's on you... Wait... no maybe not.

I tend to agree that with a note 2, features like the S pen functionality and split-screen apps are pretty much a necessity. I just wish Google could make it so when they release an update, it works on every single phone. Kinda like when a new version of Windows comes out or a new build of Linux. The driver support is

I guess it just depends on what you count as soon. I'm more worried about open source drivers being available for custom roms so that they don't have issues. The fact that 4.2 has been out since December on my one year old Galaxy Nexus doesn't bother you? That's almost 4 months behind, that's pretty bad.

I'm not saying the skin isn't updated, just saying the underlying Android version is usually a few revisions behind the current one.

It just sucks that this sure to be great hardware will be hobbled by the software. Even if Touchwiz is good it is rarely updated and always lags significantly behind the current version of the Android OS. Android is a great operating system, and to be sure the Cyanogenmod team and other AOSP teams do a really good job

It's funny that you generalize people to mean, well, you. People obviously want the Galaxy S3, it's sold tens of millions of units. Companies do know how to make a phone —people— really want. Just not the one you want. The iPhone is 4 inches, get that.

Possible it's going a different direction/different orbital plane and the paths intersect... The total relative velocities wouldn't be 17000mph but it could still be enough to put a hole in a spacecraft.

98% 24 weeks... better

They're not making money, just spending it on something that could save money in the future. But I don't disagree with the sentiment of your statement.

Okay, thought about it and now I think I have a better answer. So, on average an extinction class asteroid hits earth around every 65-100 Million years or so, so I think the odds of one person being killed are averaged out over that time. So basically people rarely, or never, die from being killed by an asteroid but

Maybe there are and we just don't hear about it... (cover up?) But seriously the 'best' source I can find is Yahoo: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101113013548AAs60jq

Actually, no, from the latest census there are over 7 billion people on the planet as of October 31 2011. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population

Just seems like he deliberately miswrote the title to seem sensational in order to gain views. I'm probably just paranoid though...

I agree with that statement, just the title of the article doesn't make sense because it's saying the odds are 'higher' than you'd expect while claiming the exact opposite "I wonder to myself, what the hell are the odds of that freaking happening? The good thing? They're pretty high! The bad thing? It really, really

Or maybe it should be "The Odds of NOT Dying in a Freak Accident Are Higher Than You Think"

Am I crazy or is the title of this article backwards "The Odds of Dying in a Freak Accident Are Higher Than You Think"... Shouldn't it be Pretty Low? As in you don't have a very good chance of dying in a freak accident => your chance of dying in a freak accident is low?

You can actually enable the multitouch gestures on the iPad 1 on iOS 5.X, so you can still do the 4 finger swipe between apps and pinch to homescreen.

Actually at a recent presentation from the head of Google's Self Driving Car division at my university I was told they are now using Lexus' for their self driving cars.

What's this about "leader of the free world"? I see and hear it a lot but the evidence clearly indicates otherwise.