
as posted elsewhere:

Also, cannot wait for this:

What a fantastic win for SpaceX and space travel.

There was no mother. She was conceived by midichlorians and Luke gave birth to her. :D

A woman who has someone set up her own email server to control what correspondences would be made available after her time at State (I don’t consider for a minute that the server represents a security hole in the way everyone else has attacked her for it; it’s indicative of her terrible character and her thoughts

Because that’s never happened in regular taxis? Or busses?

Where is it written that cab companies are guaranteed a monopoly on transportation with no chance of alternative companies coming into town?

Adam, have you ever actually been in an Uber car? Only a pure, crack-rock socialist could call this company evil. Especially when stacked up against cab companies, whose “policies” towards employees, injured people, and the public at large makes Uber look Utopian. As someone living in downtown Chicago, Uber has

I’ll fill you in since you seem to be pretty new to SpaceX.

None of us are the same person *by that relation* as we were when we were born. We're constantly replacing cells throughout our lives. And as far as Star Trek is concerned, their transporter system is a bit *different*. The trek transporter - as described by the technical manual and Mr. Scott's Guide, does not use

Where are these threats you speak of?

Oh I understand the concept, and I support the concept of net neutrality. We pretty much have net neutrality already. But there's net neutrality the concept, and "Net Neutrality," the proposed regulation. It's the latter that I oppose.

I suppose you think that that PATRIOT Act is patriotic, huh? Or that the Affordable Care Act results in affordable healthcare, rather than the increased rates that we've actually seen?

The shame in Spain falls mainly on their domain

I support a free and open internet. That's why I oppose so-call "Net Neutrality" legislation.