
How do they have a moral obligation to spend THEIR money in the US? The answer: they don't. It's their money so they can spend it how they want. Spending more money on manufacturing in the US would be a huge waste as most of it would go to the government who would just waste it on continued enslavement of the American

Don't buy Apple products then.

Probably wouldn't be a great move for Apple financially. As with HP, and other manufacturing companies, it's really not that much of a high margin industry. Apple wants to make an extremely high margin on every one of their sales, this is not likely to happen in the manufacturing industry.

This is actually a very commonly known marketing concept called "Just noticeable difference" wherein, the companies try to shrink the size of the products just to the point where the consumer won't notice the difference. Thereby increasing their profits while keeping the consumer in the dark about the actual decrease

Is that supposed to be n^2 pages or 2n pages? Because if it's n^2 get me one of those!

I think printers are dying anyways. With flexible 4K displays that cost pennies to manufacture, who needs ink? (I realize these don't exist yet but I'm hoping they will in the next decade).

He wants a link to the toner prices lol.

Well, it's how it would really look if we could perceive colours in the infrared wavelengths. So it's still 'definitive' just not, human accurate.

The article says it's using different wavelengths "The images posted by Gizmodo are a combination of visible and near-infrared wavelengths, so they show the Earth in a way not visible to human eyes (vegetation looks red, for example)". So apparently "definitive" doesn't in any way mean how humans would see it.

Theoretically some tattoos use iron filings in the ink. They tested on Mythbusters a while back if they would actually affect an MRI machine, I don't remember but I don't think they actually do.

THIS word will be with you longer than the rest.

but... but... I want an iron man suit!

Do they really need surface to air missiles to defend the olympics?!? It's a sports competition!

here's a thought: stop being fat fatties!

more jobs designing better driverless cars, less jobs driving cars. Seems like an ok tradeoff. I think it's important that we don't limit technology just so these menial labor jobs can stay, it seems archaic.

Could be a transport i.e. semi truck delivering goods, no?

I was actually at Disney World once when the ride was being serviced. Took a ride on the tram and saw the whole thing with the lights on. Pretty scary ride. Always seems like the bars will take your head off!

There are legitimate studies that show placebos work to shrink tumor size even if the patients know they are taking a placebo. Perhaps sugar pills cure cancer?

$5 per year per person with 900 million users still adds up to over $4 billion a year, that's quite a bit of profit.

I agree the article is poorly written and the sources aren't really up to snuff. My point was just that assuming the stack is made of gold the required amount of US dollars for the same weight of gold coins would have increased from 1947.