
But since the coins are made out of gold (assumed) their value would have increased dramatically since 1947. So the quantity would remain the same but the money required to buy that many gold coins would've increased exponentially due to inflation.

Why is this phone running symbian? If it was running Android (impossible I know) or maybe even Windows phone it would be AMAZING. Actually, why don't they just put this camera and a massive battery with a galaxy nexus screen, quad core exynos 2GBs of ram and call it an nerdgasm?

Yeah, as others state below: this clearly isn't a Verizon letter. It's an Asurion insurance company letter.

Holy fuck yes! WANT this! and a driver please. Or just integrate this with google's driverless car system and I'd be set forever!

This makes me wonder how difficult it would've been to have designed the shuttle to fly under its own power (i.e. an airplane). I'm guessing this would have been done if it were feasible though...

Yes you are indeed correct, sorry. It was the XServe that Apple stopped producing. My bad.

I'll just refer you to my other two replies on this subject. (See BlackCat40 reply and dccorona reply). Essentially: I'm not a troll and you should look at WP sales numbers before doubting my reasoning.

Uh huh, actually my point was more about the fact that Windows phone sales haven't been stellar thus far and I think it has allot to do with them making grandiose claims about the OS's future without actually releasing these updates. Look at Apple for example, they don't announce ANYTHING until it's practically ready

Ok there smart one. How is anything I've said untrue? Windows phone sales have been lacklustre at best. Reviewers, including the ones on this site, decry Windows phone as a poorly designed and executed OS with little developer support. The Verge gave the Lumia 900, THE BEST WINDOWS PHONE OUT THERE, a 7.0 citing poor

WOOOOOOO... I mean, who cares? It's not like anyone actually owns a Windows phone. When is this going to be released? I'm guessing September. It will be competing with Android Jellybean and iOS6 by then. Windows Phone is done.

They did the scans 6 months prior to checking back. So it actually is "How Much Sex You'll Have" because the subjects were scanned then those scans predicted how much sex they'd go on to have in the next 6 months...

If you read his proof it really has nothing to do with angular velocity and everything to do with the fact that he decelerated and accelerated really fast while behind another car. So from the cop's perspective he entered the stop sign at a speed and left at the same speed so it looked like he was traveling at a

I think he's mainly saying that because tablets are selling so well right now (mostly iPads though) while PC and Laptop sales are stagnant. So, technically, he is right in saying that the majority of consumers now will probably buy the table version of Windows (assuming the trend continues of high tablet sales, and

I don't think OSX Server exists anymore. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also, iOS doesn't run on desktops or laptops and I'm pretty sure Apple will be merging OSX and iOS in the near future (they are rapidly merging the feature sets). (maybe they will call it OSXi or iOSX, haha doubt it).

I read the 'proof' and this guy didn't really prove anything except that he was possibly decelerating and accelerating dangerously fast and didn't stop at the sign for any significant amount of time. His entire proof relies on the fact that rapid deceleration followed by rapid acceleration looks similar to traveling

THIS! I hate those retards who sit there at a bloody merge lane! WHY??!?!?

They're not sending people up there after all. Today it costs $1000/kg to send stuff into orbit. Anyone can do it. In fact, there are companies that will send your experiment into space for you. That's not too bad if you ask me.

This article is gone from the blog site lol. Can't I dream the new MBPs will be here soon?

Where is European again?

only the Verizon version has 32GB. The gsm version only has 16.