Alex Beyer

"White knight" is a great term to use to describe it. I think they have exactly that, white-knight syndrome where they think they're the savior for the oppressed. But in the end, I believe most of them don't even give a shit about the people they fight for. They just want to portray an image as being more cultured,

'cause fuck scurvy!

First of all, you don't know me nor have you gained enough knowledge about me to pass judgement on what I believe. But hey, the internet.

You obviously don't or you wouldn't be so dismissive of the plight of minorities in this country.

Jesus, listen to yourself. YOU understand, but the rest of us don't. It's like that scene in White Man Can't Jump. You go around telling white people they "listen" to Jimi Hendrix, but they can't "hear" Jimi.

"Try out"? I don't think I can try it out in the way I'd like, nor do I want to try out a floor model of a vibrator in the way I'd like.

"Celtic doesn't describe any one individual group of people. It was a ethnolinguistic group that spread across many different areas, including parts of modern day England and Scotland."

Nine league championships. Nine. Yes, only one Super Bowl, but nine total.


Compatibility, perhaps. Don't know that I'd agree on performance.

As opposed to what?

Accelerating to his target one billion miles per hour in less than five miles will make your head pop right off.

Sorry, the whole white guilt thing just doesn't work on me. I'm proud to be white, but that doesn't make me a racist. I'd be proud if I were born any other race. Do you not understand that some of the problems, maybe even most of the problems, in the black community today are cause by the black community? But every

Minor point, but you're conflating the words "failure" and "racist." The job of a mascot is embody a team and its community. The last two did that successfully for decades (I assume, I don't know how long Atlanta had that particular mascot). You might think it's racist (and I agree), but that doesn't mean it's a

what no Wally the Green Monster? God what an abomination he is, they made a mascot about the left field wall for crying out loud!


How Racist! Not all white people are criminal pirates!

Those mascots aren't racist. Racism is saying that one race is inferior to the other. Hitler was a racist, the kkk is racist. Having a native American symbol as a mascot is not racist. Possibly racially insensitive, but not racist.

Tactical Dick Sock - BEST BAND NAME EVER!!!