Alex Beyer

Is that an Iron Man phone?

Life is being an unpaid beta tester. Sure, there could be some conflicts of interest within the FDA but the whole "Holy shit this thing could be dangerous now" thing is universal.

But about those links? How solid are they?

And I wouldn't wear any of them.

What do you drink out of? I feel like nothing is safe anymore. Everything gives us cancer. Even plain dumb luck gives us cancer.

This. Its amazing any of us grew up and survived at all.

Ah fuck it. Just drink from the hose again.

If you're talking about your child touching themselves, ummm hello, perfect opportunity to get out a sentence or two about sexuality (some things need to be private, etc) or health (germs). You're definitely missing out with "cause I said so." My 14 year old—- I have to BEG her now to acknowledge the sexual/gender

You may not want to have those discussions at those points in time - but you can bet your lazy ass that a curious child WILL seek out the situation again since they got their out of curiosity.

I was about to say the very same thing. Kids are being treated like they are stupid - rarely are they stupid.

Asking a kid to stop doing something because what they're doing is a private thing and you're in public is really simple.

Yeah, but, since when does being a parent mean taking the easy way out?

I'm curious, Rev. You mentioned "Because I said so" and "finding their body parts." Can you clarify? Because it sounds like you're asking children to stop exploring. Really, you can teach them that they can explore in the bathroom. If it really bothers you, try redirecting it. "Hey, we're doing something really fun

So, that makes you the bigger child?

In this day and age, it still makes me laugh that parents get shocked when their little kids play with themselves. Sheesh. Do we still live in the Victorian ages in our minds, when we ourselves drop trou and jump into bed with whomever we choose?

As much as possible, my wife and I explain our reasoning to our daughter. Sometimes we have to simplify. But as she gets older, she is able to comprehend more.

Maybe a "you've got to trust me on this one bud, you're not in trouble but you've got to stop that. I'll explain it to you after we get out of there" would suffice?

They could just go there if they wanted without bad behavior, I imagine. If they like the quiet spot or whatever. Sometimes it's just a spot on the floor (in front of the hallway closet door) and not necessarily big and comfy or anything. I remember I sat in the "naughty" chair once (it was just one of the living

Or (and this will be way more fun) check out The Oatmeal's grammar comics.