Alex Beyer

Nothing. wait what are you talking about? Graphene is a form of carbon. Did I spell it wrong, since it doesn't look like i did. and I have not edited it in any way.

Lol colloquialisms. "Bangers" could be the strangest yet logical name I've heard for fire crackers.

screw the racer aspect, I'd buy it for the semi flexible Solar panel.

Oh wow, another thing to get really excited about that will take forever to go into commercial production like Graphene.

normally I despise these kinds of videos, but that was pretty fucking impressive.

Is there a trick on windows to actually close out of the damn program using the "x" button since that gets frustrating as hell, having to right click on the icon and then choose "Quit"

Ah chemistry humor pairs nicely with nerd.

Huh, must not use Windows, even in 7 you can activate Classic Mode, which he might have done to allocate resources to Photoshop instead of the GUI, meaning that he might not have the most powerful machine.

I'm guessing he does this for a living (graphic design), but still to see the 16/32bit and know which stock photos are needed and how to manipulate them into the seen to match up, while paying attention to ambient light sources and other easily overlookable details is impressive to say the least. He must use a

Don't even have to watch the video or read anything, the answer is simple, we're animals and as such we love to compete for the alpha position and watch others compete. It is also great for socializing which is very important to animals.

Maybe music isn't important to you and is a passive experience, but having grown up in a very musical house (and being the only one without a lick of musical talent, since being adopted wasn't alienating enough) it was deeply woven into our lives. So yes songs easily get stuck in my head, I even have artist kicks.

yes apparently none of that intelligence is spent in grasping homophones.

Now playing

I've had Stepdad's "My leather, my fur, my nails" stuck in head.

Thanks for the idea to keep baking soda in an old jar since that whole card board box is not the best thing and always leaves residue, now does anyone know if they sell tiny scoops so as to retrieve the baking soda?

also that couch is actually perpendicular to that wall, even though it doesn't look it.

no, no kids thank god. It was facing a TV since that's where the condo planners decided to put the coaxial jack (so logical), then I got rid of it and not it's facing a fan.

and if you can't do that can you just resort to the old wrap aluminum foil around it trick?

That's implying that the thief has morals, and after posting this they all know where to look.

Legos in space sounds like that could be annoying trying to chase tiny pieces around the craft to finish a model.

I will go out of my way to buy things that come in interesting containers just for hacking purposes, or I'll buy an item since it looks like it would serve a better and alternative function. I currently use legos and left over wood floor board to add a second level to an end table (now desk) and with the first level